From Jerome to Allie, November 22, 1862
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From Jerome to Allie, November 22, 1862
Peirce, Jerome
Near Fredericksburg, VA.
From Jerome to Allie
Jerome Peirce
Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service
HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
NPS, Civil War Study Group, Donald Pfanz (Transcriber)
For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).
6.5 X 4.75 - 1st Scan
6.75 X 9 - 2nd Scan
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6.75 X 9 - 2nd Scan
10.75 X 9 - 3rd Scan
6.25 X 9 - 4th Scan
Letter #38
Fredericksburg, VA.
Text Item Type Metadata
Near Fredericksburg Va 22d Nov. 1862
My dear Allie,
As an old friend of mine Mr. Benj. Y. Peppy of “M.L.A.” memory is here on a visit, I send a few lines to you, as they may reach you earlier than they otherwise would.
I wrote you at the last camp about eight miles back and have but little news, but I improve every opportunity to send you a line. We had a hard march to this place, in the rain, somewhat, and the wind is bad. The rain Continued for three days, at intervals, so that our Camp is at present an inhospitable looking place, the mud being almost ankle-deep and it sticks like a brother, but this morning it is trying to clear off, and drying up some, and with the aid of good fires, we get along after a fashion. The mail came last eve, and no letter from home for the first time, but I heard thro’ J.H’s from his mother that you were safely at Concord &c, and I trust you are safely at home and all well. I suppose the letters, mittens &c will Come by and by, for we have been making some rapid marches for five days in succession which were hard on men and animals. I came thro’ all right, as usual only more exhausted, but shall rest up soon. Am well, and a good appetite.
Got a letter from Frank[.] He was well but hard at word, I should judge. I do hope we shall meet somewhere about Richmond.
Of the future we can tell little. We expected work when we came here, but only a few shell have been thrown at a rebel train of Cars. we are between two and three miles N.E. of the City on elevated ground, a pleasant spot in good weather. We may guard the City, by and by. The rebs hold it as yet. a bridge is to be built before we can do much. Some think they will leave without a fight, and so on to R. Some of the officers still believe there will be no hard fighting. It looks as tho’ we should hem them in, and some terms will be agreed upon which will lead to peace &c &c &c. The papers at home give you as correct an idea as we can come at here. McClellan is removed, which I presume is all right, altho’ I have been as much in his favor as anyone, but I believe the President is the best man we have and should be sustained without qualification, and I hear that Gen Burnside is a stirring man, and has always won.
Such are my Army impressions, and a majority here feel the same. The rains will raise the rivers so our Gun boats can work.
Shall try and send home a little box that I saved for Lulu and a few trinkets, if I can. will add a note. if not you will know it Could not Come. Shall send it to Foster[.]
Jos H. is back here, and he and I tent together, two only of us, which I like best.
We are living well.
My ink is almost out so I write with pencil. Please send me a few pins as I am out and they are very useful—good sized ones. My paper got wet in my knapsack. Love to all as ever
My dear Allie,
As an old friend of mine Mr. Benj. Y. Peppy of “M.L.A.” memory is here on a visit, I send a few lines to you, as they may reach you earlier than they otherwise would.
I wrote you at the last camp about eight miles back and have but little news, but I improve every opportunity to send you a line. We had a hard march to this place, in the rain, somewhat, and the wind is bad. The rain Continued for three days, at intervals, so that our Camp is at present an inhospitable looking place, the mud being almost ankle-deep and it sticks like a brother, but this morning it is trying to clear off, and drying up some, and with the aid of good fires, we get along after a fashion. The mail came last eve, and no letter from home for the first time, but I heard thro’ J.H’s from his mother that you were safely at Concord &c, and I trust you are safely at home and all well. I suppose the letters, mittens &c will Come by and by, for we have been making some rapid marches for five days in succession which were hard on men and animals. I came thro’ all right, as usual only more exhausted, but shall rest up soon. Am well, and a good appetite.
Got a letter from Frank[.] He was well but hard at word, I should judge. I do hope we shall meet somewhere about Richmond.
Of the future we can tell little. We expected work when we came here, but only a few shell have been thrown at a rebel train of Cars. we are between two and three miles N.E. of the City on elevated ground, a pleasant spot in good weather. We may guard the City, by and by. The rebs hold it as yet. a bridge is to be built before we can do much. Some think they will leave without a fight, and so on to R. Some of the officers still believe there will be no hard fighting. It looks as tho’ we should hem them in, and some terms will be agreed upon which will lead to peace &c &c &c. The papers at home give you as correct an idea as we can come at here. McClellan is removed, which I presume is all right, altho’ I have been as much in his favor as anyone, but I believe the President is the best man we have and should be sustained without qualification, and I hear that Gen Burnside is a stirring man, and has always won.
Such are my Army impressions, and a majority here feel the same. The rains will raise the rivers so our Gun boats can work.
Shall try and send home a little box that I saved for Lulu and a few trinkets, if I can. will add a note. if not you will know it Could not Come. Shall send it to Foster[.]
Jos H. is back here, and he and I tent together, two only of us, which I like best.
We are living well.
My ink is almost out so I write with pencil. Please send me a few pins as I am out and they are very useful—good sized ones. My paper got wet in my knapsack. Love to all as ever
Original Format
Letter / Paper
Jerome Peirce 1862, From Jerome to Allie, November 22, 1862, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
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