From Jerome to Abbie, December 2, 1862
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From Jerome to Abbie, December 2, 1862
Peirce, Jerome
Camp near Fredericksburg, VA.
From Jerome to Abbie
Jerome Peirce
Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service
HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
NPS, Civil War Study Group, Donald Pfanz (Transcriber)
For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).
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5.5 X 8.5 - 2nd Scan
10.25 X 8.5 - 3rd Scan
5.6 X 8.5 - 4th Scan
Letter #42
Fredericksburg, VA.
Text Item Type Metadata
Camp near Fred[e]ricksburg Va
Tues morn 2d Dec/62
My dear Sister Abbie,
It is now more than two weeks since I have written you, and Sat Eve. came a mail which had been detained and brought several back letters, and yours of the 11th Nov. Did you think it was my birth-day? My thoughts are so much with my dear friends, at home, that it takes real duties, sometimes, to realize the present, and serves to lighten and cheer up the realities of the present. I have obtained a look at some home papers lately and see they c[h]ronicle the movements hereabouts but still our Corps and Reg are seldome [sic] mentioned. We have done some laborious marching since the middle of Nov. It will be a fortnight tomorrow, since our arrival here, where we were miserably accommod[a]ted at first for a Camp, but a few days since we changed, and now are pleasantly fixed “among the pines,” on elevated ground, and a view through the woods to the river and Rebel city of F. Batteries are erected on both sides, and gunboats are said to be in the river, and still all is silence, and apparently inactive, but I think only apparently, for we are singularly favored in the weather, and I don’t think it is passing unimproved.
But the great event is the change of Commanders. Burnside is at the head. It is well. I think I saw for the first time, last Eve Gen Halleck’s statement, in regard to the supplies for the army and so forth. As far as the 36th were Concerned, we were all able to move from Pleasant Valley long before we did. some were in need of shoes it is true, but it was only till we crossed the River on that fearful stormy Sunday, when we were wet, and cold, that we saw any ragged men to speak of, which was caused by the[ir] carelessness, for many burnt their clothing at the fires, after that wet time. Many men are needlessly deprived by this one thing.
I have always been an admirer of Gen McC. but I find the N.Y. Evening Post and the solid press of the Country approve of the change, and I am an unqualified supporter, and admirer of the President, and fully believe there was need of the change. To see Gen B. is to feel more confident, and brave, and the other day, at a review saw Gen Sumner, another man in whom you feel safe, a silver grey head and beard, and keen eyes, and he gave us a handsome salute as he passed. I think everyone should sustain the Government, and not endeavor to distract by party spirit. But I have no fears Old Mass has spoken out, and I have no doubt the loyal element will prevail in spite of the discontents of New York and other states. Have had a treat in reading lately the Registers, N.Y. Eve. Post[,] “Journal[“] (Boston) and am glad they speak as they do. The health here is generally good altho’ Co B has lost three men of late, from Dysentary [sic]. the last one was buried last Eve.
My own health is excellent, and I trust I am duly thankful.
I thank the Dr for his advice on eating raw Pork. I have eat[en] but little and shall Cook it in future[.]
We are living very well at present as the supplies come readily by rail. I suppose you were at home Thanksgiving. How my heart yearned to be at the loved spot once more, and how I long for the mail that gives account of the meeting! We had services last Sabbath, for the occasion. Our Chaplain, also one from the Penna Reg [preached], the first on the Times and the encouraging aspect of things and the other on the sins of the nation and Camp. But I always fall back on the memory of sabbaths at home, your letters, and mention of your sabbaths, for real food, and in quiet moments (and they are few) with more refreshment to the tired spirit, than all I hear of services here, tho’ I always attend.
And then the Register. I take so much comfort with that. many, many thanks to whom I owe it.
Do you find any time for reading anything but news and the papers? If you do, remind me of it, for you Can’t tell how much I cling to the memory of past reading. Does it seem strange to you? I often think of Cha[r]les Lamb’s letters, &c[,] Wordsworth, and grand old Shakespeare, and his pictures of war, so has he lived in all relations of “life[“], (I have sent for “Henry Fourth,”) and the Calm sweet instructions of Scripture. how different I look upon them! especially the Psalms. I often open by accident, to see what ‘twill be, and on Sunday I opened to the 60eth and on board the Steamer once off Hampton Roads, opened to the 3d and so on. (Will close by and by, am interrupted[.]) A little later =
We have commenced our drills again so that time these short days is precious and our candles, we Cannot get regularly, and I am Compelled to hurry writing and I trust you will make great allowances, and correct where you can, for Allie tells [me] you are copying my letters into a book. I presume I forget to answer questions, or mention many things. I hope to write fri[e]nd Mary and the Smith’s (A.O.) soon. If a mail arrives before tomorrow I may add a line. Wrote to Allie and sister Kate on Sunday[.] Can you tell me of Edwd Bloud[?], who went to war. was in the 13nth Reg I believe. Remember me to each & all of the f[r]iends, the Dr’s family not forgotten.
As ever your loving
Bro Jerome
Tues morn 2d Dec/62
My dear Sister Abbie,
It is now more than two weeks since I have written you, and Sat Eve. came a mail which had been detained and brought several back letters, and yours of the 11th Nov. Did you think it was my birth-day? My thoughts are so much with my dear friends, at home, that it takes real duties, sometimes, to realize the present, and serves to lighten and cheer up the realities of the present. I have obtained a look at some home papers lately and see they c[h]ronicle the movements hereabouts but still our Corps and Reg are seldome [sic] mentioned. We have done some laborious marching since the middle of Nov. It will be a fortnight tomorrow, since our arrival here, where we were miserably accommod[a]ted at first for a Camp, but a few days since we changed, and now are pleasantly fixed “among the pines,” on elevated ground, and a view through the woods to the river and Rebel city of F. Batteries are erected on both sides, and gunboats are said to be in the river, and still all is silence, and apparently inactive, but I think only apparently, for we are singularly favored in the weather, and I don’t think it is passing unimproved.
But the great event is the change of Commanders. Burnside is at the head. It is well. I think I saw for the first time, last Eve Gen Halleck’s statement, in regard to the supplies for the army and so forth. As far as the 36th were Concerned, we were all able to move from Pleasant Valley long before we did. some were in need of shoes it is true, but it was only till we crossed the River on that fearful stormy Sunday, when we were wet, and cold, that we saw any ragged men to speak of, which was caused by the[ir] carelessness, for many burnt their clothing at the fires, after that wet time. Many men are needlessly deprived by this one thing.
I have always been an admirer of Gen McC. but I find the N.Y. Evening Post and the solid press of the Country approve of the change, and I am an unqualified supporter, and admirer of the President, and fully believe there was need of the change. To see Gen B. is to feel more confident, and brave, and the other day, at a review saw Gen Sumner, another man in whom you feel safe, a silver grey head and beard, and keen eyes, and he gave us a handsome salute as he passed. I think everyone should sustain the Government, and not endeavor to distract by party spirit. But I have no fears Old Mass has spoken out, and I have no doubt the loyal element will prevail in spite of the discontents of New York and other states. Have had a treat in reading lately the Registers, N.Y. Eve. Post[,] “Journal[“] (Boston) and am glad they speak as they do. The health here is generally good altho’ Co B has lost three men of late, from Dysentary [sic]. the last one was buried last Eve.
My own health is excellent, and I trust I am duly thankful.
I thank the Dr for his advice on eating raw Pork. I have eat[en] but little and shall Cook it in future[.]
We are living very well at present as the supplies come readily by rail. I suppose you were at home Thanksgiving. How my heart yearned to be at the loved spot once more, and how I long for the mail that gives account of the meeting! We had services last Sabbath, for the occasion. Our Chaplain, also one from the Penna Reg [preached], the first on the Times and the encouraging aspect of things and the other on the sins of the nation and Camp. But I always fall back on the memory of sabbaths at home, your letters, and mention of your sabbaths, for real food, and in quiet moments (and they are few) with more refreshment to the tired spirit, than all I hear of services here, tho’ I always attend.
And then the Register. I take so much comfort with that. many, many thanks to whom I owe it.
Do you find any time for reading anything but news and the papers? If you do, remind me of it, for you Can’t tell how much I cling to the memory of past reading. Does it seem strange to you? I often think of Cha[r]les Lamb’s letters, &c[,] Wordsworth, and grand old Shakespeare, and his pictures of war, so has he lived in all relations of “life[“], (I have sent for “Henry Fourth,”) and the Calm sweet instructions of Scripture. how different I look upon them! especially the Psalms. I often open by accident, to see what ‘twill be, and on Sunday I opened to the 60eth and on board the Steamer once off Hampton Roads, opened to the 3d and so on. (Will close by and by, am interrupted[.]) A little later =
We have commenced our drills again so that time these short days is precious and our candles, we Cannot get regularly, and I am Compelled to hurry writing and I trust you will make great allowances, and correct where you can, for Allie tells [me] you are copying my letters into a book. I presume I forget to answer questions, or mention many things. I hope to write fri[e]nd Mary and the Smith’s (A.O.) soon. If a mail arrives before tomorrow I may add a line. Wrote to Allie and sister Kate on Sunday[.] Can you tell me of Edwd Bloud[?], who went to war. was in the 13nth Reg I believe. Remember me to each & all of the f[r]iends, the Dr’s family not forgotten.
As ever your loving
Bro Jerome
[Marginal notes]
[Page 1] Thank you for the Stamps. Dont send them as I can obtain them.
The place of our encampment is called Falmouth.
A little sprig from my bed, my feathers.
[Pages 2-3] Please tell me how Allie seemed, and I do hope she will keep up well.
and the various new publications. How I should love to see them. tell me all you can of new books &c. I wish some of the lady friends would write me, and not wait for me--Miss S Waldo, or Miss Walker. It would be appreciated[.] And for Mr or Dr Ellis, What Could I say to him? Always remember me to him. Is there a Reading club this winter?
[Page 4] P.S. Saw some account, & Extracts from the Life & letters of Irving in the Eve Post (N.Y.) Have you seen the book? It must be a treat.
[Page 1] Thank you for the Stamps. Dont send them as I can obtain them.
The place of our encampment is called Falmouth.
A little sprig from my bed, my feathers.
[Pages 2-3] Please tell me how Allie seemed, and I do hope she will keep up well.
and the various new publications. How I should love to see them. tell me all you can of new books &c. I wish some of the lady friends would write me, and not wait for me--Miss S Waldo, or Miss Walker. It would be appreciated[.] And for Mr or Dr Ellis, What Could I say to him? Always remember me to him. Is there a Reading club this winter?
[Page 4] P.S. Saw some account, & Extracts from the Life & letters of Irving in the Eve Post (N.Y.) Have you seen the book? It must be a treat.
Original Format
Letter / Paper
Jerome Peirce 1862, From Jerome to Abbie, December 2, 1862, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
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