From Jerome to [Probably Allie], December 13-14, 1862

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From Jerome to [Probably Allie], December 13-14, 1862


Peirce, Jerome
[Probably Allie]
Fredericksburg, VA.


From Jerome to [Probably Allie]


Jerome Peirce


Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service


HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington


1862-12-13 to 1862-12-14


NPS, Civil War Study Group, Donald Pfanz (Transcriber)


For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).


5.85 X 8.45 - 1st Scan
6 X 8.5 - 2nd Scan






Letter #47


Fredericksburg, VA.

Text Item Type Metadata



Sat. Up early. Coffee, as usual. Just after daylight marched out about a mile, on the bank of the river in a deep Ravine, protected from the sight and fire of the enemy. Between nine and ten oclk. heavy firing Commenced on the left, and soon the conflict raged all along the whole line with terrific fury, which continued all day till dark. Artillery & musketry charge upon Charge, but as far as we could learn, nothing decisive resulted, as the items are kept from the men not engaged. At night encamped on the rising ground above us a short distance. Laid down on some straw, in our blankets, while the flashes of Cannon, from the closing scene Could be discerned on the Right, and finally all was still, but the rumbling of teams, and troops marching up. A night of anxiety as we expected to meet the enemy in the morning, but still I slept soundly and got much refreshed, but a day never to be forgotten, for we had got a glimpse of War. Shot had whistled past us, and over our heads, more or less all day, as they shelled our retreat in the hollow once during the day Caused by some of our men imprudently showing themselves on the banks above.

Sunday 14nth

A lull in the fight. About 1/2 past 3. AM. ordered into line, and marched round about a mile, rested on a ravine. Concealed, by laying down, on the bank. At daylight marched in a roundabout Course into the old spot in the hollow where we had breakfast, and marched back to the City where we remained on the Levee all or most of the day. Nothing particular took place. Very wet & muddy. Occasionally the batteries over the river would salute the rebs but no reply. Some skirmishing. Wrote a note home, and just after I had mailed it, received letters from home. All well. Have thought much of home and friends amid such scenes. Towards night returned to our old quarters in the “hollow”, where we rested during the night. Damp & muddy.
Mond 15. Rested in the ra[v]ine all day. Retired early. About 9 O’Clk. Eve, was called into line. very dark. Marched into the City in a quiet manner. Mysterious. halted in the street, awhile. 89th N.Y Reg. passed us in haste. Looks like a retreat!! Marched & Countermarched, to make room to reach the bridge. Passed over the river, in “double quick”! bridge covered with dirt to prevent noise. Reached the old Camp about midnight. Dropped into our blankets without pitching tents. Very tired.

Original Format

Letter / Paper




Jerome Peirce 1862-12-13 to 1862-12-14, From Jerome to [Probably Allie], December 13-14, 1862, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington


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