From Jerome to Rev. Levi Ballou, October 17, 1862

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From Jerome to Rev. Levi Ballou, October 17, 1862


Peirce, Jerome
Rev. Levi Ballou
Pleasant Valley, MD.


From Jerome to Allie


Jerome Peirce


Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service


HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington




NPS, Civil War Study Group, Donald Pfanz (Transcriber)


For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).


7.5 X 8.75 - 1st Scan
7.5 X 9 - 2nd Scan






Letter #24


Pleasant Valley, MD.

Text Item Type Metadata


To Rev. Levi Ballou,
Pleasant Valley Md. Oct 17/62
Brother Ballou, Having a few leisure moments I will offer a few words in answer to your kind letter of the 3d Inst. I intended when I left to have written before, but have had so many to think of and it being very tiresome work to write that I have neglected more than I ought. I suppose you have heard something of our experience since we left. So be sure we have thus far escaped the perils of the Battlefield but have seen full well the direful evils of war and it is a strange order of things that this terrible scourge should desolate so fair a land as ours. -- But as one nears the scene of conflict and witnesses the debasing effects of Slavery, one cannot wonder that here at least men are ready for desperate means in such a cause. The [?] is upon everything even here in Maryland, which is fair compared with the far south. The signs of a low state of moral and intellectual culture are everywhere visible and it will need an army of missionaries after our muskets have done their work. It looks very uncertain now when the next move[?] will take place. The rebels are just over near Winchester Va. and yesterday and day before our troops were skirmishing and occupied Charlestown, and were pushing on to W. I trust something will be accomplished before Winter. Last Sat eve as we were all preparing for a quiet time and Sabbath, at 5 PM. we were ordered to march and were soon on the cars and before midnight was in Frederick City 25 miles or so where a large quantity of stores were collected and threatened by a Rebel raid. Remained till Sunday P M. marching and countermarching, and in the eve came up to “Points [sic] of Rocks” and remained till Wednesday last when we marched back here some 12 miles, tired and fatigued as it was damp and cold and nothing to protect us but overcoats[.] This is only one of the trials of a soldiers life and the reg [?] many of them are worn out. You have seen in the papers the whole affair I suppose. It was the famous Stuart Cavalry raid[.] We are now encamped between two ranges of hills Each Ridge on one side and South Mountain on the other near Harpers Berry [sic], a pleasant place with good water. It is getting cool but quite pleasant in the middle of the day. I was much interested in your mention of the Sunday School and society affairs and while I rejoice greatly in the life of the former I exceedingly regret the state of Affairs of the latter and ever have done so[.] I have had no sympathy in the course pursued, especially in these times, and if some of our friends could[?] be here in the Army they would appreciate the honest and best efforts of an old friend rather than the house[?] should be closed. You certainly have had my sympathy and best wishes and I trust you will be favored and sustained by the strong Arm upon which we all lean in the day of trial and disappointment. My thought[s] are very often with you and the Sunday school, and your one family circle in particular for I felt they were my right hand in the S School and I trust a good fort [sic: fate?] is in store for them in the future. The health of the Orang[e] men is generally good[,] one or two cases of measels [sic] but doing well. I suppose my family are in O. doubtless you have seen them[.] wrote them yesterday[.] You will excuse this scrawl as I have to write on my little roll board resting upon my knee. Remember with kindest regards to all friends and be assured of my best regards for yourself and family.

36 Reg Mass Vols As ever your friend
Ninth Army Corps
Washington D.C. Jerome Peirce

Original Format

Letter / Paper




Jerome Peirce 1862, From Jerome to Rev. Levi Ballou, October 17, 1862, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington


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