From Mary Eliza to Jerome, From Sister Abbie to Jerome, From Allie to Jerome, February 12, 1857

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From Mary Eliza to Jerome, From Sister Abbie to Jerome, From Allie to Jerome, February 12, 1857


Eliza, Mary
Peirce, Jerome
"Pleasant Valley"


From Mary Eliza to Jerome
From Sister Abbie to Jerome
From Allie to Jerome


Mary Eliza
Sister Abbie


Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service


HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington




NPS, Civil War Study Group, Ben Raterman (Transcriber)


For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).








Letter #237


"Hurricane Hollow"--"Pleasant Valley"

Text Item Type Metadata



“Hurricane Hollow”—“Pleasant Valley” Feb 12th [1857]
My Dear “Brother”
I am up spending the afternoon and evening at my “Father’s” and at Allie’s request I have commenced a line to you, hoping you will pardon the liberty. We are having a splendid time, of course, as we always do when together. I wish you could happen in, it would add much to our pleasure; we have eaten an apple for you tonight.
I am expecting my folk’s after me soon and must close. I can’t write and talk at the same time.

From you friend
Mary Eliza

Dear “Brother Jerry”,
Mary E. is getting ready to go home and I am sleepy a little but must say a word to you, mustn’t I? Allie says so and I want to but what shall it be?
First of all, let me offer my sympathy to the dear sick ones who I heartily hope are much better. Will try and send Hatie a little cordial of words as soon as she gets able to receive it. Wish I could only do more. Ask her if I take my harp and play some pretty little ditties upon it whether it would soothe her in her hours of pain.
To your dear sister, too, tell her the “Angel voices” which have spoken so lovingly to me, I trust will not fail to whisper something cheering to her. And to you, “brother dear” let me offer much, very much of the good.
“Sister Abbie”

It is nearly ten o’clock but I must not let the week pass without sending you something, dear Jerome, for Saturday, how different from what I thought when I wrote last, that instead of your reading a poor serial from me , that we should be together listening to each other “face to face”, but so it is, and we will try and be patient, although it may be hard.
I must say I was very much disappointed when I read your last, because you were not coming and to hear of the sickness of the dear ones at home. I was in hopes they would not anyone have it, it was so long since you were taken but it is so ordered by the “All Wise” and we will bow in humble submission.
I was made happy to know that you are all [???].
Love to “sister Kate”. Tell her I think of her much and wish I could come in and see her. Tell “Katy” that sister Allie wishes she could come and sooth her pain and Abby and Mary will write to her soon. M. has been away since yesterday noon with her school friends. I heard she went a coasting this afternoon.
I am very glad you are gaining so fast and trust you may continue to do so.
I am writing in the sitting room and the folks are very social and it would not be strange if there were some mistakes. The girls are expected every moment from the singing school. Hattie has spent the day at Aunt Parker’s. Aunt P. had a letter from Aunt Susan from Lawrence, said she heard that you had been sick, wanted to know particulars. She is Father’s eldest sister, a very good lady, one I hope you will like her. She has had many trials but has met them with a Christian spirit.
Cousin Thaddeus Jaquith from Andover Is attending school here, wanted me to show him a certain picture I had. Says he should like to see the original.
Abby has had a letter from Mrs. Berry. Hatty knew she could not get well, was reconciled and happy.
Shall I tell you what I am doing, dear Jerry? Well, I am quilting. Wish you could look in and see me but you shall see it when you come. When will that be? It is six weeks since you were here. Will it be six weeks longer? I hope not but will try and be very patient.
I had a letter from Mr. Setty, Tuesday.
It is almost eleven and I am feeling tired, so must close. Love to “Lonz”.
Write Sunday, good night.
For ever loving,

P.S. May I not be selfish once in a while.

Although no year is indicated on this letter, based on the dates of the letters just before and after this one and a handwritten notation on the envelope, the year was almost definitely 1857.

Original Format




Mary Eliza
Sister Abbie
Allie 1857, From Mary Eliza to Jerome, From Sister Abbie to Jerome, From Allie to Jerome, February 12, 1857, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington


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