From Lulu and Mother to Allie, November 28, 1869
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From Lulu and Mother to Allie, November 28, 1869
Billerica, MA.
From Lulu and Mother to Allie
Lulu and Mother
Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service
HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
NPS, Civil War Study Group, Paul and Louise Marahrens (Transcribers)
For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).
Letter #248
Billerica, MA.
Text Item Type Metadata
Billerica, Nov. 28, 1869
My Dear Mother,
Aunt Abbie got home safely. I was very glad to see her. She is sick abed with a headache today. She has not been up yet. I do not know whether she will get up today or not.
Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Frank and Uncle Joseph have gone to church. Alfred and I are keeping house. It is not windy today.
Frolio and Daisy are sleeping in the large rocking chair.
I had a candy feast yesterday afternoon with the candy you sent me. It was very nice and I thank you very much for it. Aunt Mamie is at Lowell. I am having a very nice time here this morning.
When do you think you shall come up again? I hope you will soon, as I should like to see you very much.
I do not know of any news to tell you.
Please write to me soon, as I should like to hear from you.
Aunt Abbie thinks that one of her Verbenas is going to blossom. I think so too.
Uncle M. has taken down that old shed out at his house. It looks quite funny. You can see over to Mr. Ellicot’s out of her end window now. It is quite pleasant.
After dinner.
Grandpa and Grandma have got home from church. Uncle Frank and Uncle Joseph have not got home yet from the Sunday school.
I must say goodbye now.
From your loving
Dear Albinia,
Lulu has left room for me to write. How are you, not sick I hope. After going through so much, it must be a satisfaction to you, to feel that you have been so useful to those that were so sorely afflicted, how sad it is for the Dr. and Mrs. Meriman. Eliza Rogers came to me to learn the particulars, had heard nothing, only what was in the papers, and Mrs. [???] Crosby did not hear of her death till the afternoon she was buried. Would have liked to have you down. She was so glad you were where you could be there and that Abbie and Mary went down. She seemed to feel her death very much, said it had not been out of her mind since she heard of it. Mr. Hussey referred to her beautifully this morn, and prayed for them that had so justly loved her.
I suppose Mary went to Lowell as she has not come home. Nat came in on his way to the cars. I thought perhaps she would be so tired out, that she would not go, was glad you took her home with you that night.
Abbie was quite tired yesterday but worked some, today has not been up. Hope she will feel smarter tomorrow.
Have not heard from Hattie since she wrote to Frank, suppose we shall soon.
Have been very busy all the week, have got the pig meat out of the way. Hope to sew lots this week, have a pair of pants to make for Father and shirts and jumpers, before I can take hold of the work you left. I cannot work more than all the time, can I?
And now do be careful and take care of your precious self, and not work too hard. Come home as soon as you can. I think Lulu’s cough is getting better slowly. She is very good and takes some sweet oil.
Love to all and [a] great deal to yourself,
I have had my cloak made over. Like it very much, only the sleeves are short. Have not heard from Louisa.
Billerica, Nov. 28, 1869
My Dear Mother,
Aunt Abbie got home safely. I was very glad to see her. She is sick abed with a headache today. She has not been up yet. I do not know whether she will get up today or not.
Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Frank and Uncle Joseph have gone to church. Alfred and I are keeping house. It is not windy today.
Frolio and Daisy are sleeping in the large rocking chair.
I had a candy feast yesterday afternoon with the candy you sent me. It was very nice and I thank you very much for it. Aunt Mamie is at Lowell. I am having a very nice time here this morning.
When do you think you shall come up again? I hope you will soon, as I should like to see you very much.
I do not know of any news to tell you.
Please write to me soon, as I should like to hear from you.
Aunt Abbie thinks that one of her Verbenas is going to blossom. I think so too.
Uncle M. has taken down that old shed out at his house. It looks quite funny. You can see over to Mr. Ellicot’s out of her end window now. It is quite pleasant.
After dinner.
Grandpa and Grandma have got home from church. Uncle Frank and Uncle Joseph have not got home yet from the Sunday school.
I must say goodbye now.
From your loving
Dear Albinia,
Lulu has left room for me to write. How are you, not sick I hope. After going through so much, it must be a satisfaction to you, to feel that you have been so useful to those that were so sorely afflicted, how sad it is for the Dr. and Mrs. Meriman. Eliza Rogers came to me to learn the particulars, had heard nothing, only what was in the papers, and Mrs. [???] Crosby did not hear of her death till the afternoon she was buried. Would have liked to have you down. She was so glad you were where you could be there and that Abbie and Mary went down. She seemed to feel her death very much, said it had not been out of her mind since she heard of it. Mr. Hussey referred to her beautifully this morn, and prayed for them that had so justly loved her.
I suppose Mary went to Lowell as she has not come home. Nat came in on his way to the cars. I thought perhaps she would be so tired out, that she would not go, was glad you took her home with you that night.
Abbie was quite tired yesterday but worked some, today has not been up. Hope she will feel smarter tomorrow.
Have not heard from Hattie since she wrote to Frank, suppose we shall soon.
Have been very busy all the week, have got the pig meat out of the way. Hope to sew lots this week, have a pair of pants to make for Father and shirts and jumpers, before I can take hold of the work you left. I cannot work more than all the time, can I?
And now do be careful and take care of your precious self, and not work too hard. Come home as soon as you can. I think Lulu’s cough is getting better slowly. She is very good and takes some sweet oil.
Love to all and [a] great deal to yourself,
I have had my cloak made over. Like it very much, only the sleeves are short. Have not heard from Louisa.
Original Format
Lulu and Mother 1869, From Lulu and Mother to Allie, November 28, 1869, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
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