From Sister Kate [Jerome's niece. Daugther of Jerome's Brother Joseph] to Jerome, November 18, 1862
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From Sister Kate [Jerome's niece. Daugther of Jerome's Brother Joseph] to Jerome, November 18, 1862
Sister Kate
Peirce, Jerome
Boston, MA.
From Sister Kate to Jerome
Sister Kate
Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service
HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
NPS, Civil War Study Group, Donald Pfanz (Transcriber)
For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).
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5.02 X 7.94 - 2nd Scan
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Letter #35
Boston, MA.
Text Item Type Metadata
Boston Nov. 18th 1862
Dear brother Jerome
We recieved [sic] your very interesting and truly welcome letter of Oct. 30th yesterday, also the little sprigs you gathered on the march which I shall keep as precious mementoes of a loved soldier. I must also acknowledge the one you sent me dated Oct. 25th (Edward’s birth day)[.] perhaps you did not think of it when writing[.] it contained a few leaves from “pleasant Valley” which I preserve as treasures from you.
Your letters give us all much joy and comfort, they have as much as two readings aloud. yesterday Foster brought it home, when he came to dinner. all the family were present but George who had some play to attend to (Edward dines with us Saturdays)[.] your letter was of course read by Ellen for the benifit [sic] of us all then at evening George learned that a letter had been received from Uncle Jerome and called for a second reading, which was readily granted, so you may imagine us all in our little back parlor listening again to your cherished missive.
The snow storm which commenced in Va. has reached us[.] it commensed [sic] snowing friday morning, continued all day and night, then a rain set in, which has not ceased yet. it is a dark and gloomy day. Foster and his three sons have gone to Church[.] Ellen[,] Alice and myself keep house. Had it been pleasant yesterday we should have looked for Allie and Lulu[.] Joseph wrote that he was coming to Boston and they were to accompany him. I shall expect them as soon as it is pleasant weather. Shall keep them as long as we can, but do not expect Allie[.] we’ll feel like making a long stay on account of Lulu[.] I think she will want to get settled before winter “sets in.”
Jerome I am perfectly astonished to know how well the soldiers all bear the long severe marches. it does seem as if poor human nature, would “give out,” but it only proves, that we know not how much we can bear till we have the trial, and the “old addage [sic], every bark is fitted to its own burden”, and above all, that “we have strength given us according to our day.” We begin to fear you have to continue on to Richmond before anything decisive is done. and McClen is removed and for what? –I suppose we have yet to learn but for all everything moves so unfavorable for us, I am full in the faith that we shall come out a purified nation but never in my opinion with the “Union as it was” nor do I believe the People want it, but I know there is a Party that does want it. shame on the North for their political division. The wider this line of strife the greater sacrifice of life and blood. But it is very foolish for me to be talking politics for I know nothing about it.
All the sympathies of my heart go for the self[-]sacrificing soldier who deprives himself of every comfort and luxury to fight our battles for us while we stay at home enjoying life in some degree though not as before our hearts weere [sic] divided betwe[e]n home and war.
I have just been interrupted by family duties dear brother, so now after the lapse of two hours, I will try to finish my letter to you. Our friends are all well so far as I know. Mother and Lucy are well[.] L. was in last week, always trying to do good for som[e]body, interested in every body. Would she not be a good nurse for our hospatals [sic] think you? I thank you dear J. for writing us[.] hope you will do so as often as possible though I know you have a multitude of friends who feel just as desirous of hearing from you as we do, and as you are marching I know you will have less time, but be sure a word from you will always be hailed with joy by us all. Now dear brother may you be blessed with health and strength in your onward march and however the “tide turns” I am sure you will have the happy consciousness of having performed your duty well. Remember me in much kindness to Joseph Henry[.] tell him we all do feel a deep interest in him. it would add much to our pleasure if he would find time to write us.
Ever your loving sister
Dear brother Jerome
We recieved [sic] your very interesting and truly welcome letter of Oct. 30th yesterday, also the little sprigs you gathered on the march which I shall keep as precious mementoes of a loved soldier. I must also acknowledge the one you sent me dated Oct. 25th (Edward’s birth day)[.] perhaps you did not think of it when writing[.] it contained a few leaves from “pleasant Valley” which I preserve as treasures from you.
Your letters give us all much joy and comfort, they have as much as two readings aloud. yesterday Foster brought it home, when he came to dinner. all the family were present but George who had some play to attend to (Edward dines with us Saturdays)[.] your letter was of course read by Ellen for the benifit [sic] of us all then at evening George learned that a letter had been received from Uncle Jerome and called for a second reading, which was readily granted, so you may imagine us all in our little back parlor listening again to your cherished missive.
The snow storm which commenced in Va. has reached us[.] it commensed [sic] snowing friday morning, continued all day and night, then a rain set in, which has not ceased yet. it is a dark and gloomy day. Foster and his three sons have gone to Church[.] Ellen[,] Alice and myself keep house. Had it been pleasant yesterday we should have looked for Allie and Lulu[.] Joseph wrote that he was coming to Boston and they were to accompany him. I shall expect them as soon as it is pleasant weather. Shall keep them as long as we can, but do not expect Allie[.] we’ll feel like making a long stay on account of Lulu[.] I think she will want to get settled before winter “sets in.”
Jerome I am perfectly astonished to know how well the soldiers all bear the long severe marches. it does seem as if poor human nature, would “give out,” but it only proves, that we know not how much we can bear till we have the trial, and the “old addage [sic], every bark is fitted to its own burden”, and above all, that “we have strength given us according to our day.” We begin to fear you have to continue on to Richmond before anything decisive is done. and McClen is removed and for what? –I suppose we have yet to learn but for all everything moves so unfavorable for us, I am full in the faith that we shall come out a purified nation but never in my opinion with the “Union as it was” nor do I believe the People want it, but I know there is a Party that does want it. shame on the North for their political division. The wider this line of strife the greater sacrifice of life and blood. But it is very foolish for me to be talking politics for I know nothing about it.
All the sympathies of my heart go for the self[-]sacrificing soldier who deprives himself of every comfort and luxury to fight our battles for us while we stay at home enjoying life in some degree though not as before our hearts weere [sic] divided betwe[e]n home and war.
I have just been interrupted by family duties dear brother, so now after the lapse of two hours, I will try to finish my letter to you. Our friends are all well so far as I know. Mother and Lucy are well[.] L. was in last week, always trying to do good for som[e]body, interested in every body. Would she not be a good nurse for our hospatals [sic] think you? I thank you dear J. for writing us[.] hope you will do so as often as possible though I know you have a multitude of friends who feel just as desirous of hearing from you as we do, and as you are marching I know you will have less time, but be sure a word from you will always be hailed with joy by us all. Now dear brother may you be blessed with health and strength in your onward march and however the “tide turns” I am sure you will have the happy consciousness of having performed your duty well. Remember me in much kindness to Joseph Henry[.] tell him we all do feel a deep interest in him. it would add much to our pleasure if he would find time to write us.
Ever your loving sister
Original Format
Letter / Paper
Sister Kate 1862, From Sister Kate [Jerome's niece. Daugther of Jerome's Brother Joseph] to Jerome, November 18, 1862, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
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