From Jerome to Friends, wife, and sister, November 27, 1862

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From Jerome to Friends, wife, and sister, November 27, 1862


Peirce, Jerome
Friends, wife, and sister
Pine Wood Camp, Near Fredericksburg, VA.


From Jerome to Friends, wife, and sister


Jerome Peirce


Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service


HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington




NPS, Civil War Study Group, Donald Pfanz (Transcriber)


For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).


6.5 X 4.25 - 1st Scan
6.5 X 9 - 2nd Scan
11 X 9 - 3rd Scan
6.5 X 9 - 4th Scan






Letter #40


Fredericksburg, VA.

Text Item Type Metadata


“Pine Wood Camp,” Near
Fred[e]ricksburg Va. 27th Nov/62
My dear friends, Wife and Sister,
It’s Thanksgiving in dear old Mass. and I must first send a word of Remembrance & greetings.
It has been one of the loveliest of the lovely days here, and a busy one. And I must tell you how I have spent it thus far. Early in the morn, filled the “Canteens” with water. about Eight Oclk. Came our breakfast—beans Cooked with special referance [sic] to the day, and we relished them I assure you, as much as we have sometime the best dinner at home. Passed the A.M. in chopping, and getting up wood[.] have to back it about quarter of a mile. Then came collecting Cedar boughs for our tents, and just got ready for dinner, when lo, order[s] to “fall in” change of Camp! Good! for we were in a low damp place. Moved about have [sic: half] a mile—in a very pleasant spot from the old place, among the little pines—elevated ground, grassy & a fine view out between woods across the river, towards the City and giving a very different poise to the spirits. Have just got nicely settled, and this will end the day. You may judge we have been lively, but how much I’ve tho’t of you all at home. Just as I mailed my letter to you Allie, day before yesterday P.M. a mail came—letter of the 16th, a Hdkf all right also Sumner’s Speech and the Register from Abbie. There are letters not recd yet. Allie, have recd $1.50 in all[.] it seems 50 c[ents] has not Come. have not got, but a $1.00 at one time and 50 c once. It may be along yet, as I get letters dated back some days sometimes. Speaking of writing, I average twice a week to you alone[.] I wrote the 11th[,] my birth day, also the 15, and so on, once “on the march to F”. It is my pleasantest work in camp. it will not be strange if some letters are lost or miscarried for it is an immense work to follow the army with it.
It looks like a stop here for some time, but still I dare not encourage you to send anything, for there is any amount of stuff that will probably never reach here laying about. Winter quarters must come by and by, and then will talk of it.
I receive the tea, and it is a great luxury, as Coffee. don’t agree with me always.

Expected to have had a quiet “set down” this P.M. and to have written several letters, but have been stirred up, but felt that I must have a word home, and I have imagined the scene there, and wished to let you know we’ve a fine day here, are well, and in excellent spirits, and there are rumors, that there is a Ceasessation [sic] of hostilities, for awhile &c &c[.] at any rate, we feel that fighting is about over with, that some other way will lead to a settlement and we trust such will be the case. Let us all look on the bright side and trust that another Thanksgiving will unite us all once more.
(Poor Rabbits! The boys are chasing a poor fellow thro’ the trees, and they frequently have a meal. game is quite plenty if we had “time and permission”.)
But I must close. There is Confusion and talking all around, and I must bid adieu. Allie, and Lulu dear, I live with you in thought Constantly and write almost every day. Don’t let the thought of weather or Conflicts trouble you, or the newspapers. The weather is very different here. We had a little snow once—rain some—but we learn to weather it, make our tents Comfortable and the change today, will make a vast difference, in our Comfort, so cheer up. eat an apple and mince pie for me once in a while, and whether absent or present I am ever the same. Camp life makes me cling more tenderly to old loves and associations, and I battle daily with everything that would make me different from old times.
Love to Abbie. Am eager for her accustomed letter[.] Many[?] a pleasant school, and winter to you. expect you will make a scholar of Lulu by the time I get home. Tell Joe we have some heavy logs to carry sometimes. Does he have any to split? Excuse blots. Camp accidents, you know. J.H. has written home, and I will add a word. (The name of the Camp is my own)

As ever your loving

I forgot to mention the Review yesterday. Waited three hours. Gen Sumner, a venerable, but lively looking man, with a keen eye, our commander.
[Marginal notes]

[Page 2] Breakfast of Fried pork and hard bread and pan cakes. J. H. [was] Cook.

[Pages 2-3] Saw Dr Lyon from Charlestown, in Camp today.
Fri morn. All well. Dreamed of being at home, last night. All very natural.

Original Format

Letter / Paper




Jerome Peirce 1862, From Jerome to Friends, wife, and sister, November 27, 1862, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington


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