From Jerome to Allie and Lulu, November 30, 1862

Dublin Core


From Jerome to Allie and Lulu, November 30, 1862


Peirce, Jerome
Allie and Lulu
Falmouth, Near Fredericksburg, VA.


From Jerome to Allie and Lulu


Jerome Peirce


Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service


HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington




NPS, Civil War Study Group, Donald Pfanz (Transcriber)


For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).


6.25 X 3.75 - 1st Scan
5.5 X 8 - 2nd Scan
10.25 X 8 - 3rd Scan
5.75 X 8.25 - 4th Scan






Letter #41


Falmouth, VA.

Text Item Type Metadata


Sunday Nov 30eth 1862
(At Falmouth, near Fredericksburg)
My ever dear Wife and Lulu,
Last Eve was a jubilee in Camp. A large back mail arrived, yours of the 7th 9th & 11th Nov Came to hand also a letter from sister Kate, such as does the heart good and one from Abbie, Eddie Peirce[, and] two Registers. was that not enough to rejoice over. I had received one later than any from you before, but to know all was safe was gratifying. the other 50. c arrived safely, and with part of it, I got some Candles so part of the letters were read by Candle light in my tent as we don’t draw Candles regularly and none at all of late, so we have to procure them of the sutler. a whole long Candle costs only 60 Cents, so you may know how precious they are. The mittens also came safe and will be of great service these cool mornings and evenings.
You remember Albert Smith gave me a fine pair of buckskin gloves, so I am well supplied now. When you write the Orange friends thank them for me. I should mention a letter received yesterday A.M from Bro Joseph, and I am glad to feel a little different; for it was a heart letter such as I never before received from him, and in[?] on to J.H. at the same time. he mentions you in a way that will be gratefully remembered hereafter, and I shall write him soon. I add something to J.H’s letters now often. You spoke in one of your letters of the kindness of my family to you, and the friends all. I think you have much to “cheer and make glad” notwithstanding our present trials and separation, and I do hope you will bear up bravely, for it is painful to know you have so many lonely and desponding hours. We must all bear our part, and it is such a help to me to know you are so kindly Cared for, and you must add a cheerful and brave spirit, for you must remember little Lulu will notice, and imbibe the sad spirit more or less, so don’t pray sadden her little heart but strive to make all things as bright and sunny to her as possible[.]]
I speak of this not to chide but from the Continued sad tone of your letters. Abbie and all my friends find so much Comfort in religion and the hopes of a better future, that I always feel sustained by their letters--a better future, I say, for the Country and our children, I mean. Do not feel that your letters are less dear to me—far from it. You are apt to imagine more suffering than we have. it is only occasionally that we suffer intensely, such as continued marching, or storms, but we get usual [sic] to life here. Our cheerful Camp fire, tents, and Continued good health, is so much that I have very little heart to Complain.
I intended to have written several letters, but alas no rest “to speak of” on Sunday. At 10 Oclk this A.M. Came Brigade Review by Gen LaLure[?] then Reg inspection, which with preparing our meals kept us moving the A.M. This P.M. at 1 Oclk. Came Brigade services, which Continued nearly two hou[r]s, and Dress Parade is yet to Come, so I must be excused from being interesting. Our Chaplain spoke on the “state of the Country and the times in which we live[.]” The great p[r]ivilige [sic], of placing our names besides the Revolutionary heroes, and all the champions of the Right &c.. Very good. A Pennsylvania Chaplain spoke of the sins of the nation &c. and rebuked the sin of profanity, in the Army, which was needed fully. Would it Could be of good to those addressed. I will enclose Kate’s letter in back of my own. Will send you Ellen’s sometime.
Had some tea this morning[.] Kate sent some—also yours. Please send me a few pins. I am almost out. Capt. S. and I exchange reading matter, so I am quite favored. I wrote to Frank and Will yesterday. Shall write Abbie very soon. Also Kate. The Cars run regularly now to this place, so hope to get letters promptly. Write when you hear of the little box sent to Foster. J.H. is well.

Love as ever from your
[Marginal note]

[Page 4] a sprig from my bed. Falmouth, it seems, is the name of this place.

Original Format

Letter / Paper




Jerome Peirce 1862, From Jerome to Allie and Lulu, November 30, 1862, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington


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