From Jerome to Allie, April 2, 1864
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From Jerome to Allie, April 2, 1864
Peirce, Jerome
Covington, KY.
From Jerome to Allie
Jerome Peirce
Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service
HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
NPS, Civil War Study Group, Tom Neubig (Transcriber)
For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).
Letter #204
Covington, KY.
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Covington Ky April 2d 1864
My ever dear Allie,
Once more “in Barracks” at C[ovington] where we took a few hours rest when [we were here] from Mississippi last Aug[ust].
I wrote you a brief word from Nicholasville Thurs[day] as soon as we stacked guns that you might know of my safe arrival after the great march.
Have just finished reading some ten letters from different friends as the large mail met us here. Yours of the 14th, 21st and 28th March came to hand and one I had before of Mch. [March] makes all eight. I believe I forgot to mention one I got as of Feb[ruary] at Jacksboro, [on] the other side of the mountain when at a dinner halt. That I think makes your letters all received.
We left camp near N[icholasville, Kentucky] yesterday morning in the midst of a cold, steady March rain and marched to the depot four miles without a halt. Got into a forage shed and waited till nearly noon, [???] this. I made out to make a cup of coffee and got comfortable considering, till we were aboard the cars. Arrived here at midnight and here we are in a long building with ‘bunks’ each side and two stoves. And altho you would not call the floors clean we feel that we’re well off.
I can hardly collect my thoughts, dear Allie, to talk with you as your good letters deserve. They comforted me and made my fatigues seem lightened. Oh, the weary hours of the march day after day!
Cloudy and storm with mud nearly every day. But I found some relief for the mountains were indeed grand and sublime. About 30 miles of wilderness at one time with scarcely a human habitation and then suddenly we came into some valley with a few scattered log houses with their rude inmates. We came the shortest route, known as the “Jacksboro Route”, the mountains [com???ing] at J[acksboro]. We may remain here till Monday but you know how to calculate on all movements now for we move before night.
Am so glad that you are all well and sorry that it is your lot to work so hard, but can we not feel that we are together reaping some good for the future and knowing that whatever awaits us, we are at least one in heart now and always? Need I repeat to you how the dear faces of wife and little one are ever flitting before me to “keep up all will yet be well” and never so much as on the late weary march!
It seems so strange! Expecting to have been away up at Bristol, Va., all the time confident that we should go “out of Tenn[essee]” and then to find ourselves again within bell sound of Cincinnati again. None but those who’ve campaigned it in E[ast] Tenn[essee] can appreciate the change! The three tablespoon fulls of flour at ‘Blain’s Cross Roads’ and the present abundance! And so comes our second deliverance.
Am glad you have recd [received] my letters of late. They were not much but at least spoke of me. Hope Mr. S’s was acceptable and take great comfort in the fact of his being your pastor and feel that he is able to help cheer and sustain you.
Had letters from Abbie (at Winchester). Frank’s [letter] enclosed. Thanks for him. Will deliver the invitation (Mary’s) to Jos[eph] H. The ladies no doubt made a grand hit and I trust much good will come of it. Had letters from Sister Kate, Ed Haynes, Lucy, C. F. Smith and Finney with papers etc. etc. etc.
Am tired yet and have some cold but after we get thru, hope to clean and rest up and be like myself. Your stockings and thread came also and were very timely indeed.
Kiss little Lulu. Shall fringe the hdkf [handkerchief] for her sake. She must be a good child to sew so well. I wish I could send her something but there are no flowers here yet. ‘tis wet and cold etc. She must still love her Papie as he does her and Ma more than he can tell and would gladly come to her but she will sometime understand why I am away, and love me not the less.
There is much I ought to mention in your letters. I shall read them over again. I mentioned that Capt. Sawyer was discharged I think. It is reported that our ‘orderly’ (Woodward of O[range]) is commissioned. A good fellow. I hope ‘tis so. I have spoken with my Co[mpany] Commander and shall have to wait patiently for my chance as there are many who rank me and are quite as deserving, altho I have earned a name for pluck and endurance.
Jos H. has just come in and brought me some “goodies”, bread etc. He’s a true friend to me and never fails to favor me when he can. He got your letter and sends love in return. Is now reading some of my letters.
There is much confusion and I can’t say half I’d like to. Shall write Mr. Ellis by and by when I have time and rest. They (she) evidently does not understand things.
Ben E. has a commission in the 54th Colored Regt. He takes it coolly, not elated. Sensible as he is about everything is well. Your letter to his wife was duly received and would be replied to soon as possible. Was much pleased to receive it and complimented you too. So don’t think you are such a poor writer because I find fault. But I must close.
There is much noise. The boys are all well. Sumner Moore met us here. Is not quite well, has a ‘chill’ occasionally.
Have letters from Orange to read (Jos. H’s). Folks getting better. Hope you will see Ellen Preston and give my kindest regards. Aunt P. is about right in her thoughts in regard to that matter, but I was not understood. Time, thou art a great revealer of men and things. Be patient if I have not mentioned all you would like. Regards to Mary Eliza. Am glad you find such a friend in her.
Love to each and all and believe as ever your
loving husband
My ever dear Allie,
Once more “in Barracks” at C[ovington] where we took a few hours rest when [we were here] from Mississippi last Aug[ust].
I wrote you a brief word from Nicholasville Thurs[day] as soon as we stacked guns that you might know of my safe arrival after the great march.
Have just finished reading some ten letters from different friends as the large mail met us here. Yours of the 14th, 21st and 28th March came to hand and one I had before of Mch. [March] makes all eight. I believe I forgot to mention one I got as of Feb[ruary] at Jacksboro, [on] the other side of the mountain when at a dinner halt. That I think makes your letters all received.
We left camp near N[icholasville, Kentucky] yesterday morning in the midst of a cold, steady March rain and marched to the depot four miles without a halt. Got into a forage shed and waited till nearly noon, [???] this. I made out to make a cup of coffee and got comfortable considering, till we were aboard the cars. Arrived here at midnight and here we are in a long building with ‘bunks’ each side and two stoves. And altho you would not call the floors clean we feel that we’re well off.
I can hardly collect my thoughts, dear Allie, to talk with you as your good letters deserve. They comforted me and made my fatigues seem lightened. Oh, the weary hours of the march day after day!
Cloudy and storm with mud nearly every day. But I found some relief for the mountains were indeed grand and sublime. About 30 miles of wilderness at one time with scarcely a human habitation and then suddenly we came into some valley with a few scattered log houses with their rude inmates. We came the shortest route, known as the “Jacksboro Route”, the mountains [com???ing] at J[acksboro]. We may remain here till Monday but you know how to calculate on all movements now for we move before night.
Am so glad that you are all well and sorry that it is your lot to work so hard, but can we not feel that we are together reaping some good for the future and knowing that whatever awaits us, we are at least one in heart now and always? Need I repeat to you how the dear faces of wife and little one are ever flitting before me to “keep up all will yet be well” and never so much as on the late weary march!
It seems so strange! Expecting to have been away up at Bristol, Va., all the time confident that we should go “out of Tenn[essee]” and then to find ourselves again within bell sound of Cincinnati again. None but those who’ve campaigned it in E[ast] Tenn[essee] can appreciate the change! The three tablespoon fulls of flour at ‘Blain’s Cross Roads’ and the present abundance! And so comes our second deliverance.
Am glad you have recd [received] my letters of late. They were not much but at least spoke of me. Hope Mr. S’s was acceptable and take great comfort in the fact of his being your pastor and feel that he is able to help cheer and sustain you.
Had letters from Abbie (at Winchester). Frank’s [letter] enclosed. Thanks for him. Will deliver the invitation (Mary’s) to Jos[eph] H. The ladies no doubt made a grand hit and I trust much good will come of it. Had letters from Sister Kate, Ed Haynes, Lucy, C. F. Smith and Finney with papers etc. etc. etc.
Am tired yet and have some cold but after we get thru, hope to clean and rest up and be like myself. Your stockings and thread came also and were very timely indeed.
Kiss little Lulu. Shall fringe the hdkf [handkerchief] for her sake. She must be a good child to sew so well. I wish I could send her something but there are no flowers here yet. ‘tis wet and cold etc. She must still love her Papie as he does her and Ma more than he can tell and would gladly come to her but she will sometime understand why I am away, and love me not the less.
There is much I ought to mention in your letters. I shall read them over again. I mentioned that Capt. Sawyer was discharged I think. It is reported that our ‘orderly’ (Woodward of O[range]) is commissioned. A good fellow. I hope ‘tis so. I have spoken with my Co[mpany] Commander and shall have to wait patiently for my chance as there are many who rank me and are quite as deserving, altho I have earned a name for pluck and endurance.
Jos H. has just come in and brought me some “goodies”, bread etc. He’s a true friend to me and never fails to favor me when he can. He got your letter and sends love in return. Is now reading some of my letters.
There is much confusion and I can’t say half I’d like to. Shall write Mr. Ellis by and by when I have time and rest. They (she) evidently does not understand things.
Ben E. has a commission in the 54th Colored Regt. He takes it coolly, not elated. Sensible as he is about everything is well. Your letter to his wife was duly received and would be replied to soon as possible. Was much pleased to receive it and complimented you too. So don’t think you are such a poor writer because I find fault. But I must close.
There is much noise. The boys are all well. Sumner Moore met us here. Is not quite well, has a ‘chill’ occasionally.
Have letters from Orange to read (Jos. H’s). Folks getting better. Hope you will see Ellen Preston and give my kindest regards. Aunt P. is about right in her thoughts in regard to that matter, but I was not understood. Time, thou art a great revealer of men and things. Be patient if I have not mentioned all you would like. Regards to Mary Eliza. Am glad you find such a friend in her.
Love to each and all and believe as ever your
loving husband
NOTE 1: Blain’s Cross Roads in Tennessee is remarked in the Regimental History (p. 124) as referred to as the Valley Forge of the Rebellion where Union troops stayed during a harsh winter and poor conditions of the troops.
NOTE 2: Jacksboro was originally named Walnut Grove, but was renamed Jacksonboro in 1819 in honor of President Andrew Jackson. By the time of the Civil War the name had been shortened to Jacksboro.
NOTE 3: Captain Christopher Sawyer of Templeton, Massachusetts, was commissioned as captain of Company H, Jerome’s company, in August 1862. He was discharged for disability February 19, 1864, according to the Regimental History (p. 321).
NOTE 4: Sumner Moore enlisted in Orange, Massachusetts, at age 28, as a private on August 6, 1862. (Jerome enlisted on August 4, 1862, in Orange). He was discharged on June 8, 1865, due to his expiration of service.
NOTE 1: Blain’s Cross Roads in Tennessee is remarked in the Regimental History (p. 124) as referred to as the Valley Forge of the Rebellion where Union troops stayed during a harsh winter and poor conditions of the troops.
NOTE 2: Jacksboro was originally named Walnut Grove, but was renamed Jacksonboro in 1819 in honor of President Andrew Jackson. By the time of the Civil War the name had been shortened to Jacksboro.
NOTE 3: Captain Christopher Sawyer of Templeton, Massachusetts, was commissioned as captain of Company H, Jerome’s company, in August 1862. He was discharged for disability February 19, 1864, according to the Regimental History (p. 321).
NOTE 4: Sumner Moore enlisted in Orange, Massachusetts, at age 28, as a private on August 6, 1862. (Jerome enlisted on August 4, 1862, in Orange). He was discharged on June 8, 1865, due to his expiration of service.
Original Format
Letter / Paper
Jerome Peirce 1864, From Jerome to Allie, April 2, 1864, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
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