From Jerome to Allie, April 16, 1864

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From Jerome to Allie, April 16, 1864


Peirce, Jerome
Annapolis, MD.


From Jerome to Allie


Jerome Peirce


Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service


HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington




NPS, Civil War Study Group, Josef Rokus (Transcriber)


For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).






Letter #208


Annapolis, MD.

Text Item Type Metadata


Annapolis, Md. 16 Apr /64
Allie Wife Dear
You’ll receive at least two letters in a day of the same date, the last a few moments ago which I was obliged to scribble off in an instant catching the first thing in the shape of a pencil, which proved to be red (present from J.H. a long while ago).
I explain. After being paid off last Eve. it occurred to me that the neighborhood is somewhat dangerous about pay-day. I thought it a little safer to mail away from this City and sent some by Ben (who was delayed by missing the train last Eve.) but started at 6 o’clock this morning to meet “his Amy” at Baltimore. At the 11th hour the orderly (Woodward of Orange) started for home on furlough. Is enclosed $20.00 more ($40.00 in all) to mail near home. Trust it will come safe to hand, and I will forward as I can more so will have no trouble but accepting at once with as much pleasure as “your lord” sends the same.
Rainy today and we are all crowded in tent, five rather close. Have plenty of stationery, thread etc., etc. but not enough stamps. Please forward occasionally.
Another item. The Lieut. Daniels just gave me a most expressive and handsome letter of recomendation [sic] (I fear I am a bad speller.) for promotion to Gov. Andrew! Gave it to Adjt. (Lieut. Hodgkins) who will put it through as early as possible. The Regimental commanders are absent and other commissions are “hanging fire” because the Regt. is not full enough to warrant their “mustering in” so after all. I am getting on as well as can be expected. The Adjt. called the Lieut.’s letter a good thing. Trust I have merited it. Hope you may see it sometime. Ben Haynes will receive it finally, didn’t think to take a copy of it. If a recommend is worth anything, that ought to do it.
Many of the officers’ wives are here. Mrs. D., a pleasant, pretty lady, was hostess last Eve.
Am much with the Edwards’s. Geo. is not well. Old complaint. Ought not to be here. You spoke of Mrs. Robinson, married, husband killed. etc. I remember her. What a fate!
Don’t think I fear a commission. I merely mention that trails do not end there, but a strong mind is quite as much in demand there. We have some fine men among officers. Moral and high-minded, companionable.
But I must close. Am feeling better. Side ache gone.

[On the margin of Page 1:]
I enclose $5.00. Write at once if all is recvd.

[On the top of Page 1:]
It does seem so good to [???] in 36 hours from home. You will act accordingly towards.

Your Jerome

NOTE 1: John Albion Andrew (1818-1867) was governor of Massachusetts from Jan. 3, 1861, until Jan. 4, 1866. He would have had to approve the promotions for the men in the Massachusetts regiments.

NOTE 2: Per the Unit History: December 20, 1863 – April 6, 1864. The regiment moved numerous times in eastern Tennessee, including in the Knoxville area, before being ordered to move by train, by way of Baltimore, to Annapolis, Maryland, where it arrived on April 6, 1864, and went into camp. During this time, the lack of adequate rations, clothing and equipment presented more challenges to the men than did the Confederates. In the Company Muster Roll for November – December 1863, Peirce was recorded as “Present.” In the following Company Muster Roll, i.e., for January – February 1864, Peirce was recorded as “Present” with the rank of “Sergt.” A notation indicated “Promoted from Corpl. Jan. 1, 1864.” That promotion increased his pay from $13.00 per month to $17.00 per month.

NOTE 3: Per the Unit History: April 23 – April 27, 1864. On April 23, 1864, the regiment left its camp in Annapolis and marched toward Washington, D.C., reaching the capital two days later. There, the Ninth Corps, including the 36th Massachusetts Regiment, was reviewed by President Lincoln and General Burnside from the balcony of the Willard Hotel to the cheers and well wishes of a large crowd of citizens of Washington. It then went into camp at Alexandria, Virginia, until April 27, 1864.

Original Format

Letter / Paper



Jerome Peirce 1864, From Jerome to Allie, April 16, 1864, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington


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