From Abbi to Jerome, February 15, 1862

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From Abbi to Jerome, February 15, 1862


Jerome (Brother Jerry)
Charleston, MA.


Letter #2 From Abbi to Jerry




Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service


HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington




NPS, Civil War Study Group, Donald Pfanz (Transcriber)


For education purposes with no commercial use.
Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).


11.5 X 7 - 1st Scan
11.5 X 7 - 2nd Scan






Letter #2


Charlestown, MA.

Text Item Type Metadata


Charlestown, Sunday Eve. Feby. 15th 1862.
My own dear brother Jerry,
How I wish you was my companion, close to me. I am all alone in the little room in the third story. The bell just rang and Augusta Gates has company in the Office. Miss Beck of Austin St. is in playing sweet sacred music on the piano for the pleasure of the rest. I could not join with them for my thoughts belong to you at this time. My own dear Jerry, your letter came to me last Tuesday eve. Was it not a welcome friend. Never hesitate to omit the stamp if you can send them without. I do not always have them to enclose but am glad to see “Due 3 cts” if the letter only comes. So you only received “Macbeth.” Supposed both had [Bottom half of page is missing]
I was very glad you wrote to Dr Ellis. As soon as I read the letter, I hasten[ed] to take it is to him as I knew he was soon to be absent from town. I asked to see him at the door, “Oh, you got another letter” said he eagerly. (Don’t refer to my personal remarks of him in your answers, but I love to tell you all about it, for it is a privilege to share his interest, is it not?) I told him of your probable move. He shook hands with me, said a time of anxiety for you. So it is, Jerry, but with Gods’ protecting care, and the sympathy of such friends is not the burden lightened, oh, so much? He inquired about Billerica, when I heard from there, and what of Mr Galloway &c. Is it not precious, indeed, to have so pleasant a prospect for us in B. [Bottom half of page is missing]
…but a poor comforter I feel must I be. Precept and Example go so poorly together with me. But in strengthening others do we not ourselves receive strength?
And that reminds me, we had Dr Hill, President of Harvard College to preach for us to-day. I heard him this morning from Romans 8th 19th “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” He referred to the trouble of our land and spoke hopefully of the good awaiting us. His summing up was very fine. He said the greatest good any one could do to the world was self purification. And that depended so much upon our own efforts, assisted by Divine love. Yes, Jerry, I begin to understand as once I could not what it means “to him who hath shall be given, and to him who hath not shall be taken away even that he hath” &.c. It was some stormy but thought I would not be absent from Sunday School. Mrs Ellis is with her husband so Miss Walker took her place. Was quite interesting. Our lesson the 12th of John. Sometime[,] when you can[,] read it and follow us with Jesus to his closing days. Ah, what are ones suffering compared with his!
Have nice chats with Mr Murray about you. He is always so interested for you. Shall try and send this by a Capt. Prescott, as I hardly know how I should direct it.
Mr Perry spoke beautifully in S. School about the blessing of our senses. The Waldo’s were there. Mr Studly good as ever.
And of our future course, let me say God care[?] for you very tenderly. Would it not be nice if you should yet meet Will & Frank? If you should[,] give my love to them. James Walker of Woburn is in Newbern direction.
Our Teachers’ Meeting is at Miss Loring’s tomorrow eve. Dr. E. will not be there to “expound.”
Mr Clark’s family of Chelsea were here last week to spend an evening. Hear from Frank & Will quite often.
Only think how the winter glides on. Feb seems in quite a hurry to be of the past. A very little sleighing now for a day or two past, but nsnow has been very scarce.
Are you not pleased that Burnside is to be your leader? May Meriam spent Saturday here. Is as good as ever. Have not seen Nellie P. the last week. Called at Mrs Hall’s one day, read one of your letters to her. What of Willie? Do you see Ben Edwards often. Called at Capt R’s
[Marginal notes]

[Page 1]: …letter. Went to C. F. Prescott[?]. Mrs S. & little boy at home. Kind inquiries for you. Saw Susie Blinie[?] in the street. Give my love to your “little madam” when you write to her. Are your eyes better? Think of your Sister sometime.

[Pages 2-3]: Do you remember Longfellow[‘s] hymn to Starts. “The night has come” &.c. It says at last “Know how sublime a thing it is To suffer & be stro[ng”] Thank you for telling about my stray letters. guess they must have been wanted by some one who do not get any letters. Shall feel anxious to hear from you. Good night with a k— from Abbie.

[Page 4]: Mr Mussey thinks Capt Prescott is not here but H[?]les is so I am going to call[?] of [sic] him. What a traveler you are become. Be a good “little man” Forget about that April prospect and look beyond to the never ending Union. Will send Milton unless he thinks I had better not

Original Format

Letter / Paper




Abbi 1862, From Abbi to Jerome, February 15, 1862, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington


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