From Jerome to Allie, December 7, 1863

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From Jerome to Allie, December 7, 1863


Pierce, Jerome
Tazewell, TN


From Jerome to Allie


Jerome Perice


Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service


HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington




NPS, Civil War Study Group, Tom Neubig (transcriber)


For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).


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"4.96 X 7.82" - 2nd Scan
"9.89 X 7.82" - 3rd Scan






Letter #182


Tazewell, TN

Text Item Type Metadata


Tazewell, Tenn. 7 Dec 1863
Ever dear wife,
In all the uncertainty and confusion of a forward movement I will attempt a line to you.
Last Sunday I wrote a letter from the [Cumberland] Gap. Monday morning went down to the headquarters (on the Flat) to see about drawing clothing when lo all was stir and moving. Col. B. put us in the way of moving with the troops and train of Gen’l. Foster’s party who arrived the eve before. So went back to our quarters and with Carter was soon on the road for this place. Fell in with the Commissary Dept. where I live with two others of the 36th and of course have no trouble in obtaining rations. Reached here late Mond. [Monday] eve. Remained till Tues[day] morn about one o’cl[oc]k when we moved forward to within a short ‘bit’ (as the Westerners say) of Clinch River, where the enemy has appeared in force, and a short fight ensued with slight loss, inc. [including] troops and mounted infantry. Remained till yesterday or Sat. eve. Halted over night and reached here early in the morning. ‘Tis about 12 miles from the Gap and Clinch River 12 more from here.
This morning another move and we expect every moment to be again on the way to the front (Knoxville).
News came last eve that Burnside was relieved and the enemy were scattering in all directions and we hope now to reach K[noxville] before a great while.
There are rebels scattered about here and efforts are being made to bag them, but at any rate the way is to be cleared to K[noxville].
Am now situated nicely and have good living and help as much as possible in the Com[missary] Dept. and learn something. “West” Packard of Charlestown is ‘butcher’ so I feel quite at home as I do anywhere.
Col. B. is Chief of Staff to Gen’l. Wilcox. Hodgkins is with him, etc. etc. and have treated us with great kindness. We are having fine cool weather but quite warm daytimes.
I can but send you a word this morning as I expect a chance in a few moments to mail this at the Gap.
I am in “tip top” health and spirits and hope soon to find some way of hearing from you again soon.
Give love to everybody and believe me as ever your
Ever loving husband,

P.M. Reported just now to Lieut. Crop, Div[ision] Quartermaster. Don’t know exactly what I should do, perhaps some writing. Expect to move tomorrow.
Another disturbed Sabbath yesterday but I never forget you.
Direct your letters to the Regt. and I trust I shall receive them by and by.


NOTE 1: Envelope addressed to Mrs. Jerome Peirce, Billerica Mass. Postmarked Barboursville, KY, Dec 12. Handwritten in pencil perpendicular on side Dec 13 1863 on at 7.

NOTE 2: Colonel B. is Colonel Henry Bowman of Clinton, Massachusetts. He was on special duty as Chief of Staff of General Willcox, commanding at Cumberland Gap and in East Tennessee from Nov. 21 to Dec. 25, 1863. He rejoined the regiment, along with Jerome, at Blaine’s Cross Roads, Tenn., on Dec. 26, 1863. Bowman was unable to muster as a Colonel, since the regiment was below the minimum size, according to the Regimental History, p. 317.

NOTE 3: William H. Hodgkins of Charleston was on special duty as Aide-de-Camp to General Wilcox in East Tennessee from Nov. 22 to Dec. 25, 1863.

Original Format





Jerome Perice 1863, From Jerome to Allie, December 7, 1863, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington


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