From Jerome to Allie, December 23, 1863
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From Jerome to Allie, December 23, 1863
Pierce, Jerome
Tazewell, TN
From Jerome to Allie
Jerome Pierce
Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service
HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
NPS, Civil War Study Group, Tom Neubig (trasncriber)
For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).
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Letter #185
Tazewell, TN
Text Item Type Metadata
Tazewell Tenn. Dec. 23rd 1863
My very dear Allie,
Last Sunday morning I wrote you just as we were moving as we all supposed for Knoxville. But again “strategy” prevails and after going to the old bathing place this side of Clinch River, yesterday we returned again and here we are once more in the old building surrounded by boxes and barrels again and I am still forty miles from the Regt. and more uncertain than ever when I shall see them.
But I can no longer wait for letters and I write a few lines to have you mail them to me at this place. Direct thus: Name, “Care of Lieut. R. M. Cross, A.C.S. Tazewell Tenn.” Leave off Regt. and company, but “Headquarters of Genl. Wilcox” instead. And I may receive them here and they will be forwarded to me wherever I may be.
I can’t tell you how lonesome and homesick it seems not receiving letters from home. The Corps are constantly moving and it is almost impossible to get a letter to or from them here as the mail is not opened here but goes either to Crab Orchard or the ‘Gap’ (going North), but coming this way stops here. Everything is done in a strange manner here.
Movements are going forward but there has been so much going to and fro, skirmishing etc. etc. that I cannot pretend to guess what will happen. Great things are talked of, but we must await events.
Two of a [???] of three from Charlestown, one young Bailey who I knew in the [???] called this morning. They are after the remains of Lieut. Holmes, killed at Campbell’s Station and which I mentioned. It seemed pleasant to see a face from home. They will remain here till a movement takes place.
We are just in receipt of the President’s Message, Proclamation etc., but must await results such as the siege of Knoxville etc. to convince the leading rebels. I have no faith in anything, but bullets and steel and overwhelming defeats towards them and those till they are annihilated and the sooner the Northern people come to that conclusion and act accordingly, the sooner the end will be.
The climate here is delightful, some chilly weather but only now and then a flake or two of snow. We have a comfortable building with a stove, cook, etc. inside and get along comfortably enough, but letters. Letters, I call daily. Write immediately on receipt of this and direct as above and I think I shall hear from you soon.
Hope to know soon whether I join the Regt, no doubt as soon as the way is clear we shall move on and join the 9th “A.C.” [Army Corp] I often wish I was there but “all’s for the best” is ever my motto and whichever way events point there I go. Don’t intend being captured if possible to avoid it. Such caution is the “better part of valor” I believe.
But how fare you all? I hope and trust all is well.
We have some sutlers goods stores here and a glove paper with a gold picture dropped out which I send for Lulu. ‘Tis all I can find for her. A desolate war-stained land, not a flower and scarcely a green thing to be seen.
The last few days have been terribly confused and dusty (sweeping the room now) and ill adapted to letter writing, but you ever have my love and thoughts with a goodly share to all the Bro[ther]s and Sisters all.
Hope soon to hear from you and ever remain your loving husband,
Remember me to the Orange friends. Will write them soon.
My very dear Allie,
Last Sunday morning I wrote you just as we were moving as we all supposed for Knoxville. But again “strategy” prevails and after going to the old bathing place this side of Clinch River, yesterday we returned again and here we are once more in the old building surrounded by boxes and barrels again and I am still forty miles from the Regt. and more uncertain than ever when I shall see them.
But I can no longer wait for letters and I write a few lines to have you mail them to me at this place. Direct thus: Name, “Care of Lieut. R. M. Cross, A.C.S. Tazewell Tenn.” Leave off Regt. and company, but “Headquarters of Genl. Wilcox” instead. And I may receive them here and they will be forwarded to me wherever I may be.
I can’t tell you how lonesome and homesick it seems not receiving letters from home. The Corps are constantly moving and it is almost impossible to get a letter to or from them here as the mail is not opened here but goes either to Crab Orchard or the ‘Gap’ (going North), but coming this way stops here. Everything is done in a strange manner here.
Movements are going forward but there has been so much going to and fro, skirmishing etc. etc. that I cannot pretend to guess what will happen. Great things are talked of, but we must await events.
Two of a [???] of three from Charlestown, one young Bailey who I knew in the [???] called this morning. They are after the remains of Lieut. Holmes, killed at Campbell’s Station and which I mentioned. It seemed pleasant to see a face from home. They will remain here till a movement takes place.
We are just in receipt of the President’s Message, Proclamation etc., but must await results such as the siege of Knoxville etc. to convince the leading rebels. I have no faith in anything, but bullets and steel and overwhelming defeats towards them and those till they are annihilated and the sooner the Northern people come to that conclusion and act accordingly, the sooner the end will be.
The climate here is delightful, some chilly weather but only now and then a flake or two of snow. We have a comfortable building with a stove, cook, etc. inside and get along comfortably enough, but letters. Letters, I call daily. Write immediately on receipt of this and direct as above and I think I shall hear from you soon.
Hope to know soon whether I join the Regt, no doubt as soon as the way is clear we shall move on and join the 9th “A.C.” [Army Corp] I often wish I was there but “all’s for the best” is ever my motto and whichever way events point there I go. Don’t intend being captured if possible to avoid it. Such caution is the “better part of valor” I believe.
But how fare you all? I hope and trust all is well.
We have some sutlers goods stores here and a glove paper with a gold picture dropped out which I send for Lulu. ‘Tis all I can find for her. A desolate war-stained land, not a flower and scarcely a green thing to be seen.
The last few days have been terribly confused and dusty (sweeping the room now) and ill adapted to letter writing, but you ever have my love and thoughts with a goodly share to all the Bro[ther]s and Sisters all.
Hope soon to hear from you and ever remain your loving husband,
Remember me to the Orange friends. Will write them soon.
Original Format
In his annual message to Congress, President Lincoln on December 8, 1863, announced The Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconciliation. Sometimes referred to the “ten percent plan,” the plan allowed the reestablishment of new republican governments in seceded states where at least ten percent of the 1860 voters affirmed their loyalty to the Union. It allowed for a full pardon and restoration of property (but not slaves) to all engaged in rebellion except for the highest Confederate officials and military leaders. It encouraged Southern states so admitted to enact plans to deal with freed slaves as long as their freedom was not compromised.,0.515,0.665,0.691,0
When announced the plan had at least temporary approval of a wide group of Unionists from war Democrats to Radical Republicans. The Proclamation was an attempt by President Lincoln to take the initiative on reconstruction away from Congress.
In his annual message to Congress, President Lincoln on December 8, 1863, announced The Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconciliation. Sometimes referred to the “ten percent plan,” the plan allowed the reestablishment of new republican governments in seceded states where at least ten percent of the 1860 voters affirmed their loyalty to the Union. It allowed for a full pardon and restoration of property (but not slaves) to all engaged in rebellion except for the highest Confederate officials and military leaders. It encouraged Southern states so admitted to enact plans to deal with freed slaves as long as their freedom was not compromised.,0.515,0.665,0.691,0
When announced the plan had at least temporary approval of a wide group of Unionists from war Democrats to Radical Republicans. The Proclamation was an attempt by President Lincoln to take the initiative on reconstruction away from Congress.
Jerome Pierce 1863, From Jerome to Allie, December 23, 1863, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
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