Unknown Letter #3
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Unknown Letter #3
Pierce, Jerome
Boston, MA.
From Jerome to Allie
Jerome Pierce
Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service
HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
NPS, Civil War Study Group, Josef Rokus (Transcriber)
For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).
Letter #260
Boston, MA.
Text Item Type Metadata
Boston July 13, 1857
My dear Allie,
I suppose you will expect something tomorrow so I must “do it” right here in the Counting Room after work, noise and feeling some hungry. So you must not [???] upon much this time.
Went out to Stoneham last eve. and of course was not at home exactly.
Found everything very pleasant and very busy buying and did not go about only on the place which is fine and [???].
All well there. Lucy and Mrs. Hawkins came in town to see about the latter’s furniture as they are going to housekeeping immediately. They will leave on the journey in about two weeks. Wished to be remembered very kindly to you.
Had a pleasant return Monday chatting with Mr. [???] all the way and of course inquired kindly after you and all the folks.
Have been very busy indeed but for the weather should feel quite well.
Have no news at all to write. Called at Mr. Hall’s Monday eve., also at Masons. All well. Mrs. [???] is about the same.
Am rather tired and in no mood for writing but [am] getting along nicely and hope to learn something good from you. How do you get along? Have you been outdoors?
Am going to tea at the Restorator and home. Shall be at Mr. L.A. Rooms most of the eve.
Lottie H. goes home on Sat., so expected. Went out to Stoneham with Henry, friends. All quite well I believe.
Excuse this for tonight and return “good for evil or shabby” at best but with the entire
Love of your husband
P.S. Have not seen the Jacob’s.
My dear Allie,
I suppose you will expect something tomorrow so I must “do it” right here in the Counting Room after work, noise and feeling some hungry. So you must not [???] upon much this time.
Went out to Stoneham last eve. and of course was not at home exactly.
Found everything very pleasant and very busy buying and did not go about only on the place which is fine and [???].
All well there. Lucy and Mrs. Hawkins came in town to see about the latter’s furniture as they are going to housekeeping immediately. They will leave on the journey in about two weeks. Wished to be remembered very kindly to you.
Had a pleasant return Monday chatting with Mr. [???] all the way and of course inquired kindly after you and all the folks.
Have been very busy indeed but for the weather should feel quite well.
Have no news at all to write. Called at Mr. Hall’s Monday eve., also at Masons. All well. Mrs. [???] is about the same.
Am rather tired and in no mood for writing but [am] getting along nicely and hope to learn something good from you. How do you get along? Have you been outdoors?
Am going to tea at the Restorator and home. Shall be at Mr. L.A. Rooms most of the eve.
Lottie H. goes home on Sat., so expected. Went out to Stoneham with Henry, friends. All quite well I believe.
Excuse this for tonight and return “good for evil or shabby” at best but with the entire
Love of your husband
P.S. Have not seen the Jacob’s.
Original Format
Jerome Pierce 1857, Unknown Letter #3, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
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