From Jerome to Allie and Lulu, December 5, 1862
Dublin Core
From Jerome to Allie and Lulu, December 5, 1862
Peirce, Jerome
Allie and Lulu
Falmouth, Near Fredericksburg, VA. (Per text)
From Jerome to Allie and Lulu
Jerome Peirce
Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service
HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
NPS, Civil War Study Group, Donald Pfanz (Transcriber)
For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).
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Letter #43
Falmouth, VA.
Text Item Type Metadata
Friday Dec 5th 1862.
My dear Wife & Lulu,
We still remain in Camp, at Falmouth, which is the same as “near Fredg” and nothing in particular has occurred, so I have waited from last Sunday till this time before writing to see if some back letters wouldn’t Come. And they have arrived, just now, noon. Yours of the 24th 26th & 30eth Nov. I received the one dated 26th several days ago—24th & 30eth today and one Contained 35. cts and one 50 c—and I wish to thank you, and say that you need not send any more for the present, as I am well, and only need a few cents every week, only to get a little meal, which makes an excellent change of our food occasionally. Allie, I trust you will not feel that I am unconscious of your situation, in money matters &c and I am just as close with myself as possible, knowing as I do how we have to wait for government affairs, and how prices are increasing for everything. I know it all and did not expect so much as you have sent in the length of time, so don’t mind any more. There is so much comes to mind that I am at a loss how to express myself. In yours of the 24th you speak of the difference of your situation from sister A’s—no one to look after &c. I fear you have taken me too seriously, besides how many there are left with more to see to than you have, many with large families &c. Oh if I felt that you doubted my love of my family, I should be distressed indeed, and acting as [I] felt from a sense of duty, and trusting to the kindly Care of those with whom I thought you would feel the happiest, I felt brave and resolute to duty, and one day be united in a sanctified home so to speak. We all must endure our part, and I firmly beleive [sic] there is a Compensation in the future. Of course the mere matter of money will be delayed but I trust not long. Some of the Old Regts are being paid off, for some reason they having been longer in the field, and in battle even are paid first, but some of the Officers say we too shall be paid before long, and I shall immediately remit home all I can send, and then if I need a little, you Can attend to your wants first[.] What will your board be? Give me as near an account of your expenses as possible. You need not send me Magaznies [sic] often, or even at all, if you can’t. I do not expect it if it deprives you in the least. I only thought that once in a great while I might be thus favored. Of the pictures of Lulu, the same. Here I will say that I have the watch and Locket that I left home with, and they are very precious. The Pennsylvania “boys” are paid off, (in one Brigade and near us in Camp) and several of the, our, boys have sold them watches. I thought once I would, just to just to send you a little money, and then the associations Came up and I could not. the watch and Locket must go together. You know Lulu has not her best, happiest look in that, hence the desire I had for a different one, as someone said, Mrs Millen, I believe, in a letter, that she had changed a good deal, hair long, (How much I shall think of the little lock you sent!) and I naturally felt a desire to see her. You speak as tho’ there was only the paltry eight dollars a month to rely on. You know the first year I shall make nearly as much as I did at O. and in Case of necessity I hope a soldier’s credit is good for something. Am glad you take the paper, but read with Caution, for two thirds of all that’s written from the army is not to be depended upon, and I am more and more convinced that we shall not be kept out here our three years. The editorials, and leading articles in the best papers, that I have seen take an encouraging view of things, and how folks get so discouraged at home, I Can’t see. If you Could be here and see what it is to move an Army, you would not wonder or complain. The world never saw such vast plans, and armies before, and what Can a mere child in the art of War, as the U S. are, do, in this brief time.
I think the change of Commanders was entirely necessary[,] as much as I thought of Gen McC. and if necessary I hope for another still till the right one turns up, and that is the spirit of the troops. But I have had an inkling or partial explanation of the Presidents Message, and Gen Halleck’s Report. (Papers cost 5. c the cheapest, and I don’t [read] anyway) so have not read them for myself, but I think the message will cause a division in Rebeldom, which will cripple their movements, and then the navy has got to do the work in a great measure this winter, so even if Winter quarters is at hand, which I doubt very much, which may be for a part of the Army, and we may possibly be stationed at this point, which is of importance, while the main blow is struck elsewhere, but I think a close of the war is not far distant by some means, for both parties are weary and sick of it, and the finances of the Country, and foreign influence, will combine to stop it. This is my view of the whole matter, and I Cannot if I would feel desponding. But for domestic matters, or home—tent life. Had a letter also from Abbie, of the 23d also Eddie Haynes who it seems is going to New Orleans, besides papers from Miss Walker, or Abbie’s Register but in Miss W’s’[?] writing this time, so I shall be quite refreshed, and busy. We have a rainy day today. have had only Co Drill this A.M.. have had no dinner yet. Hard “tack” and water will be all today (as Cooking is out of the question)[.] Jos. H. and I are snugly “squatted” in our tent on the Cedar brush, while the rain is “gently pattering down” upon the tent, but we shall manage to keep dry. Probably we shall not drill any more today so I shall write and read some, not forgetting all the dear ones at home. And how gladly would I return to them!
Now dear Allie, let us both resolve to be brave hearted, and recall the bright and loving hours of the Past, and lean on the “great right arm, which is mighty to save.[“] Have not seen Henry M. yet. will deliver the letter. Of the Capt and your messages, I know not what to say. Of late I feel a little different. He is a peculiar man. I am not jealous! but I don’t know whether he would appreciate your words or not, but I’l[l] try him, and deliver your message to him. He has no Wife or family, is a bachelor, and with some of their peculiarities “I reckon.” Thats enough for now. The Army is a great place for “human natur[e.]” Tell Father I have out-travelled a good many long legged fellows since I came out, but the Rebs are gifted in running and it is a little singular that the Removal of McClennan [sic] has set them in a perfect panic. Their Pickets have been anxious to know why he was removed &c, fine man &c &c. Kiss little Lulu, and her little letter is appreciated.
As ever your loving
Husband & Father
P.S. Have written Mr. L Johnson’s folks at Orange.
4 Oclock P.M.
Thought I would add a word. The storm Continues—more snow than rain, and I suspect you have a regular snowstorm at the north. Went into H Mayo’s tent, and read and chatted awhile. We have so much Cooking[,] drilling, and other occupations that we have scarcely spoken together of late. So much for idleness of soldiers but it is strictly true. The boys think much of your remembering them and wish to be remembered kindly to you. I think your mention of Miss H gratified him much.
Have been reading the Presidents Message, and I say “God Bless” Abraham Lincoln! His closing appeal to the best sense of the People will I am sure, bring forth something. The “Clipper” (Baltimore) takes the best view of the whole.
matter, and but for a few political villians [sic], at the North, who would decide public sentiment, all would be well, but the good President will prove too much for them, and let the people, but be as good and wise and better times will follow.
I wrote to Abbie on Monday I believe. Had something warm for dinner after all. Our neighbors of Co E. had a good fire, so had some hot Coffee and crackers, without sugar.
Had a word in Abbies letter awhile ago, about raw pork. Shall heed it. Have scarcely tasted any but once or twice. I was on the march, or on an appetite from marching when I could eat anything. Will just say that I am in the best of health, and sleep warm nights, and if I Could only dream of home, should like it, but I sleep too soundly to dream. Have I answered all questions? The tent is so inconvenient that I don’t overhaul letters much so that I forget many things—pulling over Coats, knapsacks &c. for writing materials &c. Some are sending boxes, but I can’t tell as I need anything, but woollen [sic] draw[er]s. you Could send a pair at a time by mail, if you choose. I have Cotton, but woollen [sic] are easier to clean for us. I don’t urge this for I Can get along. Foster is going or has sent a box to Alonzo. I need a thick vest[.] mine is [???], a little, you could send it by mail also and make it of any second hand cloth, button to the neck. direct just [as] you do letters.
Am going after wood, so a kiss and good-by.
An order has been issued for all packages for the Comfort of soldiers to be forwar[d]ed. I need this more than anything. Leave one end open someway [sic]—dark Color if possible.
My dear Wife & Lulu,
We still remain in Camp, at Falmouth, which is the same as “near Fredg” and nothing in particular has occurred, so I have waited from last Sunday till this time before writing to see if some back letters wouldn’t Come. And they have arrived, just now, noon. Yours of the 24th 26th & 30eth Nov. I received the one dated 26th several days ago—24th & 30eth today and one Contained 35. cts and one 50 c—and I wish to thank you, and say that you need not send any more for the present, as I am well, and only need a few cents every week, only to get a little meal, which makes an excellent change of our food occasionally. Allie, I trust you will not feel that I am unconscious of your situation, in money matters &c and I am just as close with myself as possible, knowing as I do how we have to wait for government affairs, and how prices are increasing for everything. I know it all and did not expect so much as you have sent in the length of time, so don’t mind any more. There is so much comes to mind that I am at a loss how to express myself. In yours of the 24th you speak of the difference of your situation from sister A’s—no one to look after &c. I fear you have taken me too seriously, besides how many there are left with more to see to than you have, many with large families &c. Oh if I felt that you doubted my love of my family, I should be distressed indeed, and acting as [I] felt from a sense of duty, and trusting to the kindly Care of those with whom I thought you would feel the happiest, I felt brave and resolute to duty, and one day be united in a sanctified home so to speak. We all must endure our part, and I firmly beleive [sic] there is a Compensation in the future. Of course the mere matter of money will be delayed but I trust not long. Some of the Old Regts are being paid off, for some reason they having been longer in the field, and in battle even are paid first, but some of the Officers say we too shall be paid before long, and I shall immediately remit home all I can send, and then if I need a little, you Can attend to your wants first[.] What will your board be? Give me as near an account of your expenses as possible. You need not send me Magaznies [sic] often, or even at all, if you can’t. I do not expect it if it deprives you in the least. I only thought that once in a great while I might be thus favored. Of the pictures of Lulu, the same. Here I will say that I have the watch and Locket that I left home with, and they are very precious. The Pennsylvania “boys” are paid off, (in one Brigade and near us in Camp) and several of the, our, boys have sold them watches. I thought once I would, just to just to send you a little money, and then the associations Came up and I could not. the watch and Locket must go together. You know Lulu has not her best, happiest look in that, hence the desire I had for a different one, as someone said, Mrs Millen, I believe, in a letter, that she had changed a good deal, hair long, (How much I shall think of the little lock you sent!) and I naturally felt a desire to see her. You speak as tho’ there was only the paltry eight dollars a month to rely on. You know the first year I shall make nearly as much as I did at O. and in Case of necessity I hope a soldier’s credit is good for something. Am glad you take the paper, but read with Caution, for two thirds of all that’s written from the army is not to be depended upon, and I am more and more convinced that we shall not be kept out here our three years. The editorials, and leading articles in the best papers, that I have seen take an encouraging view of things, and how folks get so discouraged at home, I Can’t see. If you Could be here and see what it is to move an Army, you would not wonder or complain. The world never saw such vast plans, and armies before, and what Can a mere child in the art of War, as the U S. are, do, in this brief time.
I think the change of Commanders was entirely necessary[,] as much as I thought of Gen McC. and if necessary I hope for another still till the right one turns up, and that is the spirit of the troops. But I have had an inkling or partial explanation of the Presidents Message, and Gen Halleck’s Report. (Papers cost 5. c the cheapest, and I don’t [read] anyway) so have not read them for myself, but I think the message will cause a division in Rebeldom, which will cripple their movements, and then the navy has got to do the work in a great measure this winter, so even if Winter quarters is at hand, which I doubt very much, which may be for a part of the Army, and we may possibly be stationed at this point, which is of importance, while the main blow is struck elsewhere, but I think a close of the war is not far distant by some means, for both parties are weary and sick of it, and the finances of the Country, and foreign influence, will combine to stop it. This is my view of the whole matter, and I Cannot if I would feel desponding. But for domestic matters, or home—tent life. Had a letter also from Abbie, of the 23d also Eddie Haynes who it seems is going to New Orleans, besides papers from Miss Walker, or Abbie’s Register but in Miss W’s’[?] writing this time, so I shall be quite refreshed, and busy. We have a rainy day today. have had only Co Drill this A.M.. have had no dinner yet. Hard “tack” and water will be all today (as Cooking is out of the question)[.] Jos. H. and I are snugly “squatted” in our tent on the Cedar brush, while the rain is “gently pattering down” upon the tent, but we shall manage to keep dry. Probably we shall not drill any more today so I shall write and read some, not forgetting all the dear ones at home. And how gladly would I return to them!
Now dear Allie, let us both resolve to be brave hearted, and recall the bright and loving hours of the Past, and lean on the “great right arm, which is mighty to save.[“] Have not seen Henry M. yet. will deliver the letter. Of the Capt and your messages, I know not what to say. Of late I feel a little different. He is a peculiar man. I am not jealous! but I don’t know whether he would appreciate your words or not, but I’l[l] try him, and deliver your message to him. He has no Wife or family, is a bachelor, and with some of their peculiarities “I reckon.” Thats enough for now. The Army is a great place for “human natur[e.]” Tell Father I have out-travelled a good many long legged fellows since I came out, but the Rebs are gifted in running and it is a little singular that the Removal of McClennan [sic] has set them in a perfect panic. Their Pickets have been anxious to know why he was removed &c, fine man &c &c. Kiss little Lulu, and her little letter is appreciated.
As ever your loving
Husband & Father
P.S. Have written Mr. L Johnson’s folks at Orange.
4 Oclock P.M.
Thought I would add a word. The storm Continues—more snow than rain, and I suspect you have a regular snowstorm at the north. Went into H Mayo’s tent, and read and chatted awhile. We have so much Cooking[,] drilling, and other occupations that we have scarcely spoken together of late. So much for idleness of soldiers but it is strictly true. The boys think much of your remembering them and wish to be remembered kindly to you. I think your mention of Miss H gratified him much.
Have been reading the Presidents Message, and I say “God Bless” Abraham Lincoln! His closing appeal to the best sense of the People will I am sure, bring forth something. The “Clipper” (Baltimore) takes the best view of the whole.
matter, and but for a few political villians [sic], at the North, who would decide public sentiment, all would be well, but the good President will prove too much for them, and let the people, but be as good and wise and better times will follow.
I wrote to Abbie on Monday I believe. Had something warm for dinner after all. Our neighbors of Co E. had a good fire, so had some hot Coffee and crackers, without sugar.
Had a word in Abbies letter awhile ago, about raw pork. Shall heed it. Have scarcely tasted any but once or twice. I was on the march, or on an appetite from marching when I could eat anything. Will just say that I am in the best of health, and sleep warm nights, and if I Could only dream of home, should like it, but I sleep too soundly to dream. Have I answered all questions? The tent is so inconvenient that I don’t overhaul letters much so that I forget many things—pulling over Coats, knapsacks &c. for writing materials &c. Some are sending boxes, but I can’t tell as I need anything, but woollen [sic] draw[er]s. you Could send a pair at a time by mail, if you choose. I have Cotton, but woollen [sic] are easier to clean for us. I don’t urge this for I Can get along. Foster is going or has sent a box to Alonzo. I need a thick vest[.] mine is [???], a little, you could send it by mail also and make it of any second hand cloth, button to the neck. direct just [as] you do letters.
Am going after wood, so a kiss and good-by.
An order has been issued for all packages for the Comfort of soldiers to be forwar[d]ed. I need this more than anything. Leave one end open someway [sic]—dark Color if possible.
Original Format
Letter / Paper
Jerome Peirce 1862, From Jerome to Allie and Lulu, December 5, 1862, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
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