From Jerome to Allie, December 10, 1862
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From Jerome to Allie, December 10, 1862
Peirce, Jerome
Falmouth, VA.
From Jerome to Allie
Jerome Peirce
Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service
HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
NPS, Civil War Study Group, Donald Pfanz (Transcriber)
For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).
5.75 X 8.30 - 1st Scan
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6 X 8.10 - 2nd Scan
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5.5 X 8 - 4th Scan
Letter #44
Falmouth, VA.
Text Item Type Metadata
Falmouth Va Mon P.M.
Dec 10nth 1862
My dear Wife,
Just a few words today, as I have leisure time. Have just returned from my first ramble outside the Camp. Went to the Riverbank and as near the “Rebs” as we can get for the present, and I am inclined to think as near as we shall ever get for hostile purposes.
‘Twas a pretty walk of a mile and a half or so. Two bridges once crossed the river, which is but little wider than the Concord at the Turnpike.
The City looks much like Frederick Md—scattered along the stream about a mile. quite a pretty town, I should think under more favorable circumstances.
Saw no Rebel pickets, tho’ spoke with ours, who remain in groups of three or four. have their Camp fires, outdoors, or protected by a few boards, and tents sometimes.
The best part was the sight, and voice of two ladies, who Came down in an ambulance wagon, and with an Officer. One was silvered hair somewhat, the other younger[,] say about Thirty—a very pleasant[,] talkative, southern, or western spoken. Took a seat at the fire, to warm her feet, while the elder one remained at the pile of the bridge, looking for some moments across, where she Could not pass.
I stood at a respectful distance, but Could not resist the temptation of listening to a ladies voice, for they were finely attired, and reminded [me] of home, strongly. The younger one, says to the soldiers who were cleaning some of their dishes, “Twould make a woman mad to see your dishes”!
“I think it would to wash them” said soldier.” [“]But you’l[l] have some good times getting dinners when you get home” said the lady. “If we ever get home” was the reply. “Get home! to be sure you’l[l] get home”! replied her ladyship, and I left at that point, and took my way up the bank to where the redoubts were that Jos. H. help[ed] throw up the other Eve, or night, and where the guns are pointed to the very heart of the City, but I doubt their being used for so direful a purpose—in short Allie, I am quite persuaded that peace is not far off—a fixed presentiment.
Had a nice long letter from Sister Mary (at O), and one from Charley enclosed today[.] Said you had not written for some time. All well, and misses [sic] you and Lulu very much &c
Wrote to Lucy today. It seems that Charlotte is married and I suppose at home. heaven bless them!
I wrote you on Friday, and mentioned about my watch. I have acted, myself I suppose, on such occasions, and yielded, to the temptation of a good price Cash, and sold it $12.00. I send you three dollars, and will more if the same reaches you safely. Please write me im[me]diately on its receipt. So you will of Course, have a trifling lift use it, as you need, not for me, or anything I can get along without. Have had snow and it is Cold. Some of the wood we burn makes the eyes sore, and it is almost impossible to see sometimes.
The boys are all building up their tents with logs—with fireplaces &c. We manage to keep Comfortable, but may be at it, when axe and Spade are more at leisure.
Had some pressed vegetables, for dinner today with a slight mixture of potato—quite nice. Have got some meal so we shall have gruel and griddle Cakes. Rice & Molasses yesterday[--]a great rarity of late.
Am excellently well, and am enduring everything, but absence from home, bravely, and get along with that as well as they [sic] average.
This is a business, rattling letter, but bears the love to all, dutifully. Hoping all is well with thee I close, hoping to hear from you before I sleep.
As ever You[r]s
Send the “Journal” once in a while. Will send you a “Philaa Inquirer” soon!
Dec 10nth 1862
My dear Wife,
Just a few words today, as I have leisure time. Have just returned from my first ramble outside the Camp. Went to the Riverbank and as near the “Rebs” as we can get for the present, and I am inclined to think as near as we shall ever get for hostile purposes.
‘Twas a pretty walk of a mile and a half or so. Two bridges once crossed the river, which is but little wider than the Concord at the Turnpike.
The City looks much like Frederick Md—scattered along the stream about a mile. quite a pretty town, I should think under more favorable circumstances.
Saw no Rebel pickets, tho’ spoke with ours, who remain in groups of three or four. have their Camp fires, outdoors, or protected by a few boards, and tents sometimes.
The best part was the sight, and voice of two ladies, who Came down in an ambulance wagon, and with an Officer. One was silvered hair somewhat, the other younger[,] say about Thirty—a very pleasant[,] talkative, southern, or western spoken. Took a seat at the fire, to warm her feet, while the elder one remained at the pile of the bridge, looking for some moments across, where she Could not pass.
I stood at a respectful distance, but Could not resist the temptation of listening to a ladies voice, for they were finely attired, and reminded [me] of home, strongly. The younger one, says to the soldiers who were cleaning some of their dishes, “Twould make a woman mad to see your dishes”!
“I think it would to wash them” said soldier.” [“]But you’l[l] have some good times getting dinners when you get home” said the lady. “If we ever get home” was the reply. “Get home! to be sure you’l[l] get home”! replied her ladyship, and I left at that point, and took my way up the bank to where the redoubts were that Jos. H. help[ed] throw up the other Eve, or night, and where the guns are pointed to the very heart of the City, but I doubt their being used for so direful a purpose—in short Allie, I am quite persuaded that peace is not far off—a fixed presentiment.
Had a nice long letter from Sister Mary (at O), and one from Charley enclosed today[.] Said you had not written for some time. All well, and misses [sic] you and Lulu very much &c
Wrote to Lucy today. It seems that Charlotte is married and I suppose at home. heaven bless them!
I wrote you on Friday, and mentioned about my watch. I have acted, myself I suppose, on such occasions, and yielded, to the temptation of a good price Cash, and sold it $12.00. I send you three dollars, and will more if the same reaches you safely. Please write me im[me]diately on its receipt. So you will of Course, have a trifling lift use it, as you need, not for me, or anything I can get along without. Have had snow and it is Cold. Some of the wood we burn makes the eyes sore, and it is almost impossible to see sometimes.
The boys are all building up their tents with logs—with fireplaces &c. We manage to keep Comfortable, but may be at it, when axe and Spade are more at leisure.
Had some pressed vegetables, for dinner today with a slight mixture of potato—quite nice. Have got some meal so we shall have gruel and griddle Cakes. Rice & Molasses yesterday[--]a great rarity of late.
Am excellently well, and am enduring everything, but absence from home, bravely, and get along with that as well as they [sic] average.
This is a business, rattling letter, but bears the love to all, dutifully. Hoping all is well with thee I close, hoping to hear from you before I sleep.
As ever You[r]s
Send the “Journal” once in a while. Will send you a “Philaa Inquirer” soon!
Original Format
Letter / Paper
Jerome Peirce 1862, From Jerome to Allie, December 10, 1862, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington
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