From Jerome to Allie, November 6 - 7, 1863

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From Jerome to Allie, November 6 - 7, 1863


Peirce, Jerome
Mt. Vernon , KY
Rock Castle, KY


From Jerome to Allie


Jerome Peirce


Jerome Peirce Collection, National Park Service


HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington




NPS, Civil War Study Group, Nathan Varnold (transcriber)


For educational purposes with no commercial use. Courtesy of National Park Service, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania NMP, FRSP 16095-16102 (FRSP-00904).


"5.55 X 3.15" - 1st Scan
"4.98 X 7.86" - 2nd Scan
"9.98 X 7.86" - 3rd Scan






Letter #175


On the road between Mt. Vernon and Rock Castle, KY.

Text Item Type Metadata


3 o’clk P.M.
On the road between Mt. Vernon and Rock Castle Nov. 6th [1863]
My dearest wife,
A pleasant sunny day and the train is delayed quite awhile so I begin another letter. Had a wet, bad day yesterday from Crab Orchard to near Mt. Vernon. Very muddy and rough roads but got along nicely and safe. ‘Tis quite a thing and not uninteresting to see the big work it takes to supply the army. Vast droves of hogs are driven to Knoxville, one is near us now and then we meet returning trains from the front.
News is that London, Tenn., is occupied by the Rebs and our forces are a few miles this side. Shackleford (the captor of Morgan) is driven back from So. West Virginia etc., etc.
We are approaching again the place where I left the Regt. and the wilderness begins to look familiar. Came to camp about dark yesterday but it looks doubtful this time for we must go to Rock Castle River about five miles. Had a little leisure at C. O. about which I wrote you.
Start. It is Sat Morning, 7th. Pleasant and warm. At a halt on a hill again. Got to camp late last eve. Bad hills and worse roads, mud. Barely escaped a capsize. Broke a chain but was helped into camp. Riding this morning, writing on the wagon seat.
News from Knoxville this morning. Our regiment there, hope to 8th [November].
Sunday M[orning] 8th. Delayed again by hills. Camped after dark last eve. Passed “Wild Cat.” Rough and dangerous in the extreme but came in all right. Stopping at our old Camp “Hazel Hatch.” Chilly. A body of prisoners passing, Grey backs as usual.

Monday Morn at London [Changed. See postmark.]
Dear Allie,
‘Twas talked that we should remain here a day or two but ‘tis uncertain and so I prepare it for the mail.
Have got along nicely and am perfectly well and hearty.
Weather, cold morning and eve but pleasant daytimes.
We see some rough times and characters as all sorts of fellows are in the train, but we keep along well, and I hope soon to see the Regt. The guards with the prisoners yesterday say that Burnside is all right and that Rosecrans’ men have gained a victory over the Rebs etc., etc.
I need not tell you how my thoughts are with you and how eagerly I wait for letters but I feel all will be well.
My love to each and all. I cannot write to them separately at present. How are Abbie’s eyes?
Remember me to Will C. and his folks. Shall write Mr. C. some time. Send me his address as I have forgotten it. Wm. C. I think.
A kiss for Lulu and ever your
Affec[tionate] husband

Although the year that this letter was written is not indicated, based on the location where it was written and the notations on the envelope, the year was definitely 1863.

Original Format





Jerome Peirce 1863-11-6
1863-11-7, From Jerome to Allie, November 6 - 7, 1863, HIST 428 (Spring 2020), University of Mary Washington


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